The record of the Californian shots raises to 23


Rescuers found the bodies of 14 people killed Saturday by the most destructive fire in California's history, bringing to 23 the total number of deaths, said the local sheriff.

"Today, 14 additional bodies have been located, bringing our total number to 23," said Sheriff Kory Honea at a press conference.

Firefighters are battling raging flames at both ends of California, but there is little hope of containing the flames any time soon.

More than 250,000 people have been ordered to evacuate a large area near the capital, Sacramento, and, in Southern California, from the resort town of Malibu, Hollywood.

In Butte County, Paradise, rescuers removed the human remains over a period of hours and placed them in a black hearse. Pieces of body were transported by bucket, while the intact remains were transported in body bags.

Josh Edelson (AFP)

Until now, all deaths have been reported in paradise, where more than 6,700 buildings – most of which are residences – have been consumed by late hell.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced Saturday at 11 am the death toll, a number that seems ready to increase with the recovery of bodies in paradise.

"Our hearts are with those who are fighting the fires, the 52,000 evacuees and the families of the 11 dead," Trump told Twitter.

For miles around, you could see a sharp smoke in the sky around paradise, the sun barely visible. On the ground, the cars were reduced to metal carcbades, while the power lines were also gnawed by the flames.

The residents fled the danger, but the police said AFP some farmers came back to check their livestock.

"The magnitude of the destruction we have seen is truly incredible and heartbreaking, and our hearts go out to all those affected by this situation," said Mark Ghilarducci, director of the California Emergency Services Bureau.

Governor-elect Gavin Newsom has declared the state of emergency to provide badistance to the most affected areas in this fire-prone state.

The northern fire, called the "campfire", which was unfolding rapidly in the north of the country, broke out early Thursday.

Attracted by the strong winds, it has burned 100,000 acres (40,500 hectares) here and is confined to 20%, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) said on Saturday. . Up to now, three of the more than 3,200 firefighters deployed have been injured.

They estimate that they will need three weeks to completely contain the fire.

Local authorities have informed state officials that a breakdown had occurred near the place where the fire had broken out, reported The Sacramento Bee, but the Camp fire has still not been officially reported.

Trump, who was in France for the commemoration of the First World War, criticized online his somewhat unpleasant reaction to the devastation last Saturday.

There is no reason for these mbadive, deadly and expensive forest fires in California, if it is that forest management is so bad. Billions of dollars are given every year, with so many lives lost, all because of poor forest management. Remedy now, or more payments from the Fed!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2018

"There is no reason for these mbadive, deadly and expensive forest fires in California, if it's that the management of the forest is so poor," Trump told Twitter.

California officials responded to the president, saying his remarks were misleading, citing multiple causes of forest fires ravaging the state beyond the forest management framework.

Mr. Chairman, with all due respect, you are wrong. The fires at So. Cal are urban interface lights and have nothing to do with forest management. Come to SoCal and find out the facts and help the victims. Scott Austin, IAFF President 809. @IAFFNewsDesk

– Pasadena Fire Assn. (@ PFA809) November 10, 2018

– Mansions Malibu in flames –

In southern California, several fires burned, including one just north of Los Angeles and another in Ventura County, near Thousand Oaks, where a Marine Corps veteran shot and killed 12 people in a music bar country Wednesday.

Authorities said some 200,000 people were under mandatory evacuation orders, including in Malibu.

The "Woolsey fire" has consumed about 69,000 acres, destroyed at least 150 homes and has not yet been controlled, said the Ventura County Fire Department, adding that evacuation orders had been issued for some 88,000 homes in the county and the neighboring county of Los Angeles.

"We heard that this was going to happen, so we installed the sprinklers and cleaned the entire house," said Patrick Henry, a resident of Malibu. "We had enough time to put the dogs in the trunk."

Josh Edelson (AFP)

Malibu is one of the most sought after places in California for stars in search of intimacy and luxury.

The reality TV star, Kim Kardashian West, who lives just north of the Malibu coast, revealed that she had been forced to flee her home.

"I have heard that the flames were shot down on our home property in Hidden Hills, but they are now more contained and have stopped for the moment," she said on Twitter. "I just pray the winds are in our favor."

Actor Martin Sheen, briefly reported by his son Charlie, actor, was also forced to evacuate.

"We're fine, we're in Zuma Beach and we're probably going to sleep in the car tonight," said Martin Sheen. Fox News 11, adding that it was the worst fire he saw in 48 years of life in Malibu.

The forest fire reached Paramount Ranch, destroying Western Town sets used for hundreds of productions, including "Westworld", an HBO sci-fi series, announced officials and the network.

Director Guillermo del Toro tweeted that Bleak House, his museum of horror film memorabilia, was also on the way to the flames.

– total devastation –

In paradise, the flames have destroyed hundreds of homes, a hospital, a gas station, several restaurants and many vehicles, officials said.

Mandatory evacuation orders have been issued for more than 52,000 people in the scenic area at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

"The whole lower part of heaven is totally in flames right now," said Kevin Winstead, a resident of nearby Magalia, KIEM TV.

"Not a house will stay standing," he said. "I am devastated."

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