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The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee drops its first televised spot in the 12th congressional district of Ohio, which houses the next special election on the calendar.

A familiar source with the purchase confirmed that the committee is spending $ 238,000 in Columbus over the next 10 days to boost Danny O 'Connor, the Franklin County record against Republican Senator Troy Balderson.

The spot focuses on Balderson's dedication to the GOP's tax reform law, defining the measure as prioritizing large businesses versus seniors.

The new ad will give O & # 39; Connor a boost on the air of a national party that has held its distance publicly so far. As in most of the Red District Special Elections, the National Party sought to allow O & # 39; Connor to create a distance from the Democratic brand.

His campaign was the only Democratic group on the air and he made the decision not to support Nancy Pelosi, House House leader, D-Calif, for a leadership position a central message .

Balderson, on the other hand, received a boost from both the National Republican Congressional Committee and the Super PAC Congressional Leadership Fund aligned GOP. The groups spent about $ 2 million to help Balderson, the lion's share of the CLF, according to data provided by Advertising Analytics.

While the boundaries have changed over the years through redistricting, the seat has long been held in the hands of the GOP. Governor John Kasich, R-Ohio, took the seat during his stint at Congress and former Rep. Pat Tiberi served for 17 years prior to his retirement earlier this year.

And while the O 'Connor campaign ran a poll this week that only highlighted five points, Balderson led the latest independent poll last month with 11 points. Thus, Republicans are confident that Balderson is in a position to defend the seat, which President Trump won with 11.5 points in 2016, and avoid embarrbading upheaval.

Despite this, Democrats are optimistic about the prospect of overthrowing the siege, noting that the party has outperformed with the wealthy and educated voters who reside in the district. O & # 39; Connor was also very close to Balderson in the second quarter of fundraising in 2018.

The two candidates will face each other in the August 7 special election to fill the rest of the Tiberias mandate, but will also be on the right to a full term in January.

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