The Seahawks affirm their will against the Detroit Lions by running away with a 28-14 win


Despite a difficult start, the Seahawks managed to make their way through the Detroit Lions and showed everyone that this team was a contender for the playoffs.

DETROIT – For the last three quarters of a 28-14 win against the Lions on Sunday, the Seahawks have virtually defeated all their goals.

This included a baseball celebration following one of their three second-quarter touchdowns, with the receivers restoring a fight for the mound.

"It was fun," said quarterback Russell Wilson, who made a brief appearance in the celebration saying "I'm back from the paddock".


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The situation was slightly tense in the fourth quarter as the Lions entered Seattle twice in an attempt to reduce the Seahawks' lead to one point.

But each time, the defense played a big game: a fumble recovered by Frank Clark and interception jumped Justin Coleman on the line of 1 yard.

At the end of the match, the Seahawks celebrated a victory that meant a little more, as it was the first game after the death of owner Paul Allen. (Bert Kolde, Allen's close friend and team vice president, received the ball in the locker room.)

But beyond the emotional significance, this victory was also perhaps the clearest illustration of how Pete Carroll envisioned the team playing when he orchestrated a transformation of the staff of 39, coaches and off-season staff.

Carroll wanted to bring back the Seahawks to run in football to set up big games in the pbading game.

Check, and check, Sunday, while Seattle ran 42 times at the height of the season ("I could not be more excited about it," said Carroll about this statistic), 176 yards while Russell Wilson completed 14 of his 17 badists for 248 yards, averaging 14.5 per attempt that would have equaled a team record when he had three other attempts.

Wilson also threw three touchdowns – all in a second quarter of 21 points that wiped out a 7-0 deficit and decided the match – he gave him nine goals in three games and 16 for the season. He had a perfect pbad score of 158.3, the first in the history of the Seahawks.

"Nice game," Carroll said about how Wilson played. "It's really hard to beat you when you play like that."

Carroll also wanted to maintain the reputation of Seattle, who was able to stop the race while getting more bags and forcing more turnovers.

That day, take a look, take a look and take a look at Seattle, who launched a rushed attack that won 248 yards last week against Miami at just 34 of 13 attempts . The Seahawks limited outstanding rookie Kerryon Johnson to just 22 yards and sacked Matthew Stafford – who had been sacked 10 times in the previous six games – three times.

Seattle also won the battle of 3-0 business numbers and is over-10 for the season.

"We really could play as part of the way we want to do it," Carroll said. "We want to play football, we do not want to abandon it. No turnovers today, and take advantage of it to rush through football. "

Seattle also won the special teams battle – which Carroll also prioritized to upgrade during the off-season. Tedric Thompson was forced to start the game in the second quarter. This forced turnaround caused a Seahawk touchdown that allowed Seattle to do good things.

Then, Seattle won the game with a kind of creativity, extemporaneous and pure simplicity. fun This is the kind of game that good teams seem to play: The decision of Punter Michael Dickson to run rather than take safety measures resulted in the recovery of a first try two minutes from the end.

"Well, some superlatives or whatever you call these are out," Carroll said of what was going through his head as Dickson took off on the right side when he saw an opening and avoided go out of the end zone to take a safety. "But I found it great. I can not love a piece more than that. "

And he can not like the way a team plays more. The Seahawks have won four of their last five games, their only loss being a 33-31 thriller against the undefeated Rams.

The Seahawks averaged 134.7 yards rushing per game, almost the same amount as the 2013 Super Bowl 136.8. Wilson averages 8.5 yards per pbad, his best career result against 7.2 for last season.

And while Wilson has a 16-4 TD / interception ratio, the Seahawks' defense has 10 interceptions and allowed only 10 touchdowns.

"I talked about it three years ago," said catcher Doug Baldwin. "Throw the ball, play a solid defense and not return the ball. It's a successful football. I do not think it can be simpler. "

The win also wrapped up a five-game out-of-seven streak to start the season and allowed Seattle, 4-3, to surpbad .500 for the first time this season. These are all signs of a rising team over a season that many have termed the Seahawks' rebuilding year, and at worst, the sad end of the Carroll era.

In addition, no serious injuries were observed Sunday, which contributed to the good mood of Carroll – which was evident throughout his press conference after the match.

At one point, questioned about the "challenge" that the team is about to face against teams like the Chargers, Rams and Packers, Carroll has become momentarily sarcastic.

"God, I do not know," he said. "We seem to find a way one way or another. We ride, I do not know. We are screwed in the air and we will just continue to work on it, break the line and train very hard and not change anything. Do exactly what we know how to do. "

In fact, what Carroll liked most about Sunday is that the Seahawks did not really surprise the Lions (well, maybe when a bettor gets out of his goal zone).

The Lions knew that Seattle would try to beat him a ton, but they still could not stop him, not even with the newly acquired defensive tackle, Damon "Snacks", Harrison strengthening the center.

And when the Seahawks had to stop the Lions, they did it.

"It's a great team," Carroll said. "I like our team. I love what's going on, I love the way it's going and I like what they feel about it. It's really clear; There is no mystery about how we try to do it. We will not deceive anyone. "

Only, perhaps, those who did not see it coming.

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