The second Labor MP is being disciplined in the line of anti-Semitism


A second Labor MP was threatened with disciplinary action after a clash with an ally of Jeremy Corbyn against anti-Semitism.

Ian Austin, former Minister and Deputy Gordon Brown, received a letter from Secretary-General Jenny Formby accusing him of "abusive conduct in Parliament."

The letter was in response to a "heated discussion" between Mr. Austin and Labor Party President Ian Lavery, one of Mr. Corbyn's closest allies, in the House of Commons earlier this month. 19659003] The allegation against Mr. Austin is almost identical to the threat of disciplinary action against MP Margaret Hodge, who admitted calling Mr. Corbyn "racist" and & # 39; "antisemitic"

. Alongside Mrs. Hodge, whose grandmother and uncle were victims of the Holocaust, the grandmother and sisters of Mr. Austin were murdered in a concentration camp by the Nazis.

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Dudley MP is a former badistant to Gordon Brown

Sky News understands that the confrontation of Mr. Austin with Mr. Lavery, a former miner and former leader of the Union National Miners' Union, came after a meeting of the National Labor Executive on July 17.

million. Austin reportedly told Mr. Lavery that the NEC's decision not to adopt the internationally recognized definition of anti-Semitism in its code of conduct was "shameful". Under this direction, the Labor Party has become a sewer. "

But Mr. Austin Denies Being Personally Violent to Mr. Lavery

Two days after the argument with Mr. Lavery, Mr. Austin received a letter from Ms. Formby saying: -being been involved in a violation of the Labor Party rules have been brought to our attention. "

Although the charges were not detailed in the letter, Ms. Formby said that they were related to "abusive behavior in Parliament" and it was im

His letter added, "You should know that any future behavior similar in nature to the above allegation could lead to other measures Disciplinary, including a suspension. "

Reacting to the threat against him, Mr. Austin said," It would not be great if they deal with people responsible for racism as quickly as they can. " they dealt with people who are naturally cont

"I am angry at anti-Semitism and I am

  Jeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn has been heavily criticized for his treatment of the controversy over anti-Semitism

But a labor spokesman is angry at the Labor Party. said: "The Labor Party takes all complaints seriously."

The threat to Mr. Austin is the last line triggered by the NEC's controversial decision to defeat the internationally recognized definition of International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

It was also the evening of the NEC meeting that Mrs. Hodge confronted Mr. Corbyn

She now faces the same threat of suspension that Mr. Austin and is locked in a legal battle with Mrs. Formby and the

The CEN movement then led to an emergency motion moved by Jewish MP Louise Ellman at the Labor Party meeting of last week, asking that the IHRA definition be adopted in its entirety by the PLP, prompted three Jewish newspapers to publish the same powerful editorial on their first pages warning against an "existential threat to Jewish life in this country that would be posed by a government led by Jeremy Corbyn" Mr. Austin, who clung to his seat in Dudley North by only 22 votes in the general election of the 39, last year, was one of the strongest critics of Mr. Corbyn and his allies will say that's why he is targeted.

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