"The state abandoned us" – Israel National News


  Burnt field in the Gaza Belt region

Burnt field in the Gaza Belt region

Yonatan Sindel / Flash 90

Dvir Sbadi, head of the Sderot Student Council, called Thursday for an answer Strong to the "Obviously, an escalation is the last priority, but unfortunately, if there is a need for military response of any kind whatsoever, I am behind. I am not the Minister of Defense and I do not have political or military knowledge, I am a citizen who not only can not sleep peacefully at night, but also can not live quietly, "said Sbadi in an interview.

He added that "our protest here is not political – right and left people are indignant and agree that it is impossible to continue as well."

Sbadi expressed disappointment at the political establishment and its treatment of the situation in the South

"I f They have forgotten us, that this does not interest enough the ministers of the Cabinet. If there was such a wave of fires in the center of the country, there would be radio and television broadcasts for hours every day and all members of the Knesset would occupy them. Also, "he said, Gaza has been throwing incendiary balloons and kites at Israeli territory for several months, burning thousands of Israeli havens and causing significant damage. to fields, crops and nature reserves.

On Thursday, Israel's ambbadador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, called on UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed to condemn Hamas for its continued use of arson that burned down Israeli lands and terrorized its citizens

"For more than a hundred days, Hamas terrorists have been using kites. The delivery of nearly 700 fires that have burned thousands of hectares, including more than 1,500 acres of agricultural fields in Israel, is a new face of terrorism that directly targets the Israeli ecosystem and has caused "Ambbadador Danon wrote in a letter to the Deputy Secretary General. " 19659004 "As a country proudly proudly advancing agricultural technology to the United Nations and around the world through our semiannual resolution on agriculture technology for sustainable development, it is infuriating to see Hamas terrorists doing the opposite.Hamas attacks the livelihood of southern Israel and its acts of eco-terrorism have not only devastated the lands that provide food and livelihoods to our civilians, but they have also caused irreparable damage to nature reserves and dozens of wildlife. "In the interest of protecting the lives of civilians, their livelihoods and the productivity of our ecosystem, I asks you to firmly condemn Hamas and hold the terrorist organization responsible for these attacks, "concluded Ambbadador Danon

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