The tragedy of Gaza that lasted 13 years


A man stands near a house damaged by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, in the Israeli city of Ashkelon on November 13, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Ronen Zvulun. – The United Nations – the hypocritical and incredibly morally morally defeated organization that thinks it can impose a higher moral authority a higher authority – said that a new war in Gaza would be an "incredible tragedy" ".

"An incredible tragedy."

Again, they are mistaken about what exactly is a tragedy. Because tragedy is what is preparing for Gaza for 13 years.

In 2005, Israel left Gaza, removing all soldiers and civilians, uprooting the homes of its inhabitants and their lives, as well as their families. When Israel withdrew, it left good infrastructure to give Gaza Arabs a chance to do something with their lives, to build a largely independent entity that would allow them to determine their own destiny. Israel has given them opportunities, including a thriving greenhouse business with crops ready for export.

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November 14, 2018 1h27

But instead of seizing the golden opportunity presented to them – an opportunity for self-determination never offered by any of their "Arab brothers" – they chose not to seize it. Instead of rising with the greenhouses, they looted them. Instead of living in the previous settlements of the Jewish community, they ransacked them. They took away materials such as irrigation pipes, water pumps and plastic sheeting.

The money and materials that were dumped in this coastal strip, intended to help Arab residents of the Palestinian Authority to become a successful model of the so-called Arab dream of another Arab state, have proved to be a nightmare.

In the 13 years since Israel's departure, the attention of the Arabs to Gaza under their terrorist terrorist dictatorship has never been about the future. There has never been a question of building a better life. There was never any question of helping their people. There has never been a question of making the future a hope, an opportunity and aspirations.

It's the contrary. The infrastructure of hope that was to be built has been replaced by the infrastructure of hate. Instead of focusing on building vital civilian infrastructure, such as water treatment plants and power plants, engineers engineering has been mischievous to children. They built only to kill.

The tragedy is not so much a war is coming because it is. The tragedy is that all the billions of dollars the Arabs have received, the support and hopes of much of the world and their will to succeed, have been squandered, but not by mismanagement, but rather by a deliberate national goal to destroy the only Jewish state on earth.

How many hospitals, schools and the universe could have been built? How many centers of excellence in science and development could have flourished? How many dreams could have been realized and opportunities created?

None of this will happen because for Arab leaders, their future is not determined by what they can build, but only by what they can destroy.

Meanwhile, in communities in southern Israel, rockets continue to strike innocent people, wounding them, terrorizing them and killing them. Tunnels of terror continue to be built under sleepy children. Children continue to be traumatized with their parents, who simply want to protect them, as all parents do.

For children to grow up thinking it's normal to bomb shelters, knowing that going there in seconds could make the difference between life and death – well, that's the point. real tragedy.

War is not a tragedy, as the United Nations seems to think. War is the inevitable result of what happens when a terrorist entity is allowed to prosper without reprimand or consequences. Because where was the international community in the last 13 years?

Where was the condemnation of what the Hamas leaders were doing – the way they hid the rockets in the UN-funded schools? Or the way they deliberately and cynically used civilians as cannon fodder on the Gaza barrier? Or the way they even intimidated staff and the UN press? Where did the UN secretary-general call for restraint while they were building their terrorist tunnels day and night?

And the responsibility? Where was it, when the funds of the international community destined for reconstruction became rather funds of blood and death destined for deconstruction? And still, Israel continues to provide electricity, water and even money in the hope that things will change.

But things will not change, because until generations are educated for peace rather than war and as long as the construction of terrorist infrastructures will have no consequences, why do things happen? should they change at all?

No rational people want war, but we do not deal with a rational people. We are dealing with a perverse entity that will not stop, no matter how nice you are with them. They will not stop, no matter how much you give. They will not stop, no matter how much water or electricity you provide. They will not stop by themselves, because no one requires them. And until they are forced to stop, the rocket attacks and infiltration attempts at the border and the violence will continue.

The Egyptians and other international actors are furiously working for a ceasefire, but you can not have a cease-fire with the evil because the evil does not stop fire. He only waits in the shadows to revive.

The war is coming, but it's not tragedy. The tragedy is that he was allowed to go to this stage in the first place.

Justin Amler is an Australian writer and commentator born in South Africa. You can find more detailed articles about Israel and the Middle East @

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