The trial of the former Israeli minister turned Iranian spy begins in Jerusalem


The highly publicized trial of a former Israeli minister accused of espionage for Iran was to begin Thursday in Jerusalem, in what was announced in the espionage case. the most serious of its history.

Gonen Segev, a former Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, disgraced, who left Israel after serving a prison sentence for drug trafficking, arrived Thursday morning at District Court of Jerusalem where his indictment was to be read to him

. by the prosecution Wednesday, although his case remains under the gag order. According to the indictment, Segev allegedly provided Tehran with "dozens of reports" with the intention of harming Israel's national security.

Segev is accused of a host of offenses tantamount to treason against the state, including "aggravated espionage". According to the indictment released Wednesday, [traduction]

Although unlikely, the charges against him, namely treason, could theoretically result in the death of a spy and to dozens of counts of aggravated spying. penalty penalty. While Israeli courts are allowed to pronounce the death penalty for treason, the death penalty has only been used once in the history of Israel against the famous Nazi leader Adolf. Eichmann

Segev was arrested and charged on 18 May 2018 with the approval of the Attorney General and District Attorney, for numerous espionage-related offenses and to badist an enemy in wartime, "with the intention of harming the security of the state."

 Saar Yaakov / GPO

The allegations initially indicated that the former energy and infrastructure authorities were responsible for dealing with Iranian information providing information on the infrastructure provided by Israel's security installations and political officials

. Iranian intelligence services and met with a number of agents in a host of different countries. Using a German diplomatic pbadport, he also traveled to the Islamic Republic and "carried out various missions when asked".

Segev reportedly helped Tehran locate key bases and institutions in the Israeli defense establishment as well as identify intelligence agents, the indictment said. This corroborated information provided by the Shin Bet security service on June 18 during the announcement of his indictment and arrest related to "security locations in Israel" and "diplomatic and security officials."

A double agent against Iran, according to his lawyers, the Shin Bet claimed that he "knew perfectly well that they were Iranian intelligence agents". He reportedly maintained contact with connected Israelis, putting them in touch with Iranian agents posing as businessmen. 19659002] His lawyers claimed that all the details of the case, which have not yet been made public, give a "different picture" of what can be seen in the restricted publication.

The former Knesset member, 62 years old The Israeli army captain was arrested and sentenced in 2004 for attempting to smuggle drugs, forgery and fraud into electronic commerce.

He served a five-year sentence He attempted to pbad thousands of Amsterdam ecstasy pills to Israel, claiming that he thought he was M & M

The court refused to shorten his sentence after discovering various lies, including a pencil extension of his diplomatic pbadport. 2007. He studied medicine at Ben Gurion University in the Negev region in Israel

Since 2007, the former disgraced minister resided in Nigeria working there as a doctor despite his lack of a license. Last month, he reportedly tried to enter Equatorial Guinea before being extradited to Israel.

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