»The village of Al-Araqib destroyed for the 131st time – IMEMC News


Israeli authorities demolished the Bedouin village of Al-Araqib, in the Negev desert, in southern Israel, for the 131st time Wednesday

According to local sources, the Israeli authorities and the military vehicles stormed the village. children, and the elderly in the village, leaving them homeless.

The Wednesday demolition of the Bedouin village marked the fourth time that the community had been targeted since April 2018, according to the press agency Ma & # 39; an. 19659002] Israeli demolitions of Al-Araqib are carried out with the aim of forcing the Bedouin population to settle in townships zoned by the government.

Like the other 34 Bedouin villages "unrecognized" by Israel, Al-Araqib receives no services from the Israeli government, and is constantly subject to threats of eviction and demolition of the house.

These "unrecognized" villages were established in the Negev shortly after the Arab-Israeli war of 1948. As a result of the creation of the state of Israel, about 750,000 Palestinians were been evicted from their homes and made refugees.

Many Bedouins were forcibly transferred to villages during the 17 years Palestinians in Israel were ruled. under Israeli military law, which ended shortly before the military takeover of Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in 1967.

Now, more than 60 years later, Bedouin villages

(photo: AFP archive image)

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