Theresa May tells the British to wake up and accept a sweet Brexit in another bitter reaction


THERESA MAY told the British who voted wholeheartedly to leave the EU to wake up and accept a sweet Brexit yesterday.

In comments that threaten another bitter backlash in the Tories heartlands, the prime minister said that she had to be "tough". "Theresa May insists that a mild Brexit is in the best interest of the British people" "clbad =" lazyload "data-src =" uploads / 2018/07 / NINTCHDBPICT0004163158221.jpg? w = {width} "data-sizes =" auto "data-img =" NINTCHDBPICT0004163158221.jpg? Strip = all & w = 663 "height =" 3500 "width =" 2418 "/>

She insisted that her controversial white paper would protect jobs and solve the Irish border crisis

Ms. May told the BBC: "I recognize that there are many people who are pbadionate about this issue, to leave the European Union."

"And many people voted from the bottom of my heart to leave the European Union. ] Theresa May's remains a remnant, "says Jacob Rees-Mogg while he castigates his plan Brexit

   Dominic Raab is expected to hold his first talks with the Chief Negotiator EU this week

Alamy Live News

Dominic Raab Must She had her first talks with the EU's Chief Negotiator this week
Theresa May says she's trusting to Donald Trump as they have the "highest degree" of special relationship

"My job as prime minister is to be firm and practical about it and do it in a way that ensures that we get the best interests for the UK. "

Sources last night insisted that the PM was clearly moving and ending the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. One said: "The PM put his neck on the line.

until the EU.They must help now and meet us halfway. "

The new secretary of Brexit, Dominic Raab, to hold his first talks with Michel Barnier, Chief Negotiator EU this week

US President Donald Trump openly spoke to The Sun about the success of Theresa May's recent Brexit.
Elmar Brok stated that it was the "basis of a future relationship."

British Prime Minister Theresa May and Brexit

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