These Jews give up Israel to visit occupied Palestine


Birthright Israel offers a free "educational" trip to Israel for young adults of Jewish origin

Dubai: An American Jew visiting Israel as part of the Birthright Tour Israel received praise from many Palestinians and Civil Rights Groups after Elon Glickman was part of a group of Jewish Americans traveling to Israel as part of the "Birthright" program.

Young Jewish Americans visiting Israel were given cards. who erased Palestine – a traveler questioned it – NowThis (@nowthisnews) July 19, 2018

Birthright Israel offers a free trip , "Educational" to Israel for young adults of Jewish origin.

But more and more Jewish tourists accuse the program of showing a distorted picture of Israel, completely ignoring the blatant Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

o NowThis' viral rendition, Glickman noted that the Israeli map that was handed to him did not mention the West Bank where Palestinians live under Israeli occupation.

When I left #birthright I knew I wanted to see the truth about the Palestinian occupation and experience. I never imagined that I would visit an entirely demolished village like Al Arakib and I would hear how this man's house was demolished 130 times – Elon Glickman (@elonTglickman) July 22, 2018

Glickman tells the guide that it was "inappropriate for all of us … to show this map as if it was the truth."

In response, the edgy tourist guide claimed that the West Bank was part of Israel, which is not true.

Israel occupied the West Bank and Jerusalem in the 1967 war in a movement never recognized by the international community.

Since then, he has gradually built settlements on Palestinian land. for a future state increasingly dark.

After Khan Al Ahmar, we went to Al Arakib for the pilgrimage #TishaBAv . Unfortunately, this village was completely destroyed and most of the residents left. Today, it is the destruction we mourn – Elon Glickman ? (@elonTglickman) July 22, 2018

Many Palestinian Refugees , who were expelled from their homes when Israel was created in 1948, express their sadness and anger at not being allowed to visit their homeland while every Jew in the world is granted this special privilege based on their religion [19659017]. it adopted a controversial set of laws legalizing apartheid.

The so-called "nation-state bill" says that only Jews have the right to self-determination and make Hebrew the official language of Israel . TishaBAv We are in Khan al Ahmar praying that another community is not facing destruction. With a prayer, we must offer a commitment. What are we going to do to ensure that this place is not destroyed? – Elon Glickman (1965) July 22, 2018

Palestinians fear that this may be the first step in the complete annexation of the West Bank.

] As for Glickman, he accused the tour guide of showing that "Israel is this great country that does not apply a military occupation."

"We have struggled with some of the erroneous information and some of the generalizations that we have heard, and it is a rare and rare opportunity to listen and to learn and take a stand against the occupation, "said Glickman

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He later tweeted footage of his trip.With this caption:" When @birthright refuses to to show young American Jews the truth about the occupation, it is up to young American Jews to ask that they do it. Israel imposes a military occupation on the Palestinians on our behalf and that is unacceptable. #NotJustAFreeTrip "

He left the tour bus with seven other tourists, and instead undertook his own tour of the Palestinian areas to see the occupation first-hand.

Talk to a resident of Khan Al Ahmar who said that the civil administration wants to move the entire community to an area of ​​250 meters right next to a dumpster. "Where will our animals be put? Where will our children be?" pic. – Elon Glickman ? (@elonTglickman) July 22, 2018

They visited a Palestinian family in occupied Jerusalem who face eviction by the Jewish National Fund and the Ir David Foundation

These two groups are known to have forced the Palestinians to leave their homes in areas of religious and archaeological significance.

We have just visited Khan al Ahmar in # TishaBAv Pilgrimage The village e under the imminent threat of demolition. They are surrounded by settlements in which some Israeli politicians live. These settlements can build 92 new homes, but Khan al Ahmar can not build a school – Elon Glickman (1945)> [July9090] July 22, 2018

Glickman fell under the fire of conservative Zionists and Israel refused to send him home and threatened him with a lawsuit leaving him in Israel.

What is Birthright Israel?

Birthright – or "Taglit" meaning "discovery" in Hebrew. He has provided a free trip to Israel to more than 650,000 young Jews from 67 countries since its inception in 1999.

C is a non-profit educational organization that sponsors 10-day free trips to Israel for young adults. About 80% of participants come from the United States and Canada

Cool … #BlockedByBirthright to see the occupation first-hand and tweet to the pic.twitter. com / YiYtlphleW [19659005] – Elon Glickman ? (@elonTglickman) July 22, 2018

During their journey, participants, most of whom visit Israel for the first time, are encouraged to discover a new meaning in their identity Jewish personal and their connection. The "non-political" education experience is co-founded by Michael Steinhardt – who gave the major to a group of protesters outside of the annual Birthright Gala.

He later marked the Jewish experience and Jewish culture [2]


The majority of the group's funding comes from private donors such as conservative billionaire Sheldon Adelson

Adelson has funded campaigns for countless Republicans, including Donald Trump.

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