Third Day of "Ceasefire": IDF Strikes Gaza as Flaming Ball Strikes Israeli Kindergarten – Israel News


The Israeli army and Palestinian fighters in Gaza exchanged fire Tuesday, three days after the ceasefire temporarily halted the most widespread fighting escalation since the 2014 war.

An Israeli army aircraft targeted a Palestinian group firing incendiary bullets into Israeli territory from east Gaza, injuring two Palestinians. No word on their condition was immediately available.

>> Israel must admit the truth: burning kites do not justify war

Also on Tuesday, an incendiary balloon launched from Gaza landed in kindergarten in an Israeli community near the Gaza border. Children would have been in the yard at the time, but no casualties were reported.

The shootout followed the meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman with Israeli security officials at the border.

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"We are in the middle of a campaign, there is an exchange of blows and I can tell you that the Israel Defense Forces are ready for any scenario," said Netanyahu. Lieberman echoed the prime minister's statement that "if we are to engage in war, we will be able to bring down any enemy." We will determine the rules of the game, nobody will do it. "

IDF Chief of Staff, Gadi Eisenkot, Chief of the National Security Council, Nadav Argaman, Chief of Shin Bet and Meir Ben-Shabbat, were among the participants in the security badessment .

Representatives of Hamas and Islamic Jihad continue to pursue contacts with Egyptian intelligence officials to resolve ongoing hostilities.

The formula they propose would put an end to the incendiary kites and balloons that are being shipped from Gaza across the border into Israel – in exchange for easing the blockade imposed by Israel and the United States. Egypt at the Strip.

Egyptian and Palestinian sources told Haaretz that Hamas was inclined to accept an agreement calling for a halt to the launch of incendiary devices in return for Israel's decision to halt its decision to stop deliveries of fuel in the Strip through the border crossing Kerem Shalom. , until Sunday.

Such an agreement would also involve the opening of the Egyptian border crossing with Gaza to Rafah on a regular basis, as well as additional measures that Hamas requires

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