Thousands of North American teenagers gather in Israel for the mega-event NCSY | Jns


On Wednesday night, more than 2,500 Jewish teens from hundreds of communities in North America gathered at the Latrun Armored Corps Museum near Jerusalem for the annual mega-event of the Youth Israel Synagogue National Conference. Affiliated with the Orthodox Union, NCSY is the largest Jewish youth movement in the diaspora.

Held under the stars, the event featured a mbadive barbecue, a concert and a lecture by the new president of the Jewish Agency, Isaac Herzog. Participants at NCSY are high school students who spend their summer holidays in Israel on various organization-led programs.

"The energy and enthusiasm of these young people was contagious," said Vice President of the Orthodox Union Allen Fagin. "It was wonderful to see them all coming from all parts of the world and from different religious backgrounds to celebrate their summer together, sharing the love of Torah and Israel."

NCSY offers a number of tracks on their programs in Israel, giving teens the opportunity to visit the country, participate in Israeli summer camps and volunteer with non-profit organizations. lucrative.

The goal for all is to instill a Zionist spirit to young people.

In addition to the festivities, the event celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Anne Samson Jerusalem Journey, the first NCSY tour program for public school students.

Herzog remarked to the group: "I walked and we talked to several people here tonight about hundreds of communities across North America, who arrived enthusiastic and enthusiastic at the # 39, idea to visit Israel There is no greater Zionism than that. "

He added that" next week I will begin my role as director of the Jewish Agency. , and I look forward to working in partnership with the OR … Organizations such as the OR are brilliant examples of how to connect the Jews of the world and the world. the Jews of the diaspora in Israel. "

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