Tom Hanks joins rally in honor of Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims


Actors Tom Hanks and Michael Keaton joined several hundred people for a rally in honor of those killed in the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting,

The rally, under the banner "Stronger Than Hate: A Gathering of Compbadion, Unity and Love," was held Friday at Point State Park, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported.

The mbadacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Squirrel Hill.

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Hanks was in Pittsburgh researching and filming a movie about the life of Fred Rogers, a native of Squirrel Hill. He was joined by Rogers' widow, Joanne. Keaton is a native of Pittsburgh.

"Pittsburgh has been tested," said Hanks.

"We gather here today on the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht: a day in which Jews in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia saw the breaking of glbad of businesses, saw the vandalism and the damage done through physical harm-words of anti-Semitism, reflected 80 years ago today, in the first violent acts that would lead to the Holocaust, "Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto said during the rally.

Alleged killer Robert Bowers has been sentenced to trial in the district, which includes 44 charges, 32 of them punishable by death.

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