Treatment of a cerebral aneurysm in Israel


In Israel today methods are used that reduce the volume of surgical procedures, the effectiveness of this operation is several times higher. Operations on the brain in this country are performed without opening. An operation of a cerebral aneurysm in Israel is carried out with the aid of a unique method of catheterization. The result of such an operation results in no bleeding leading to a stroke. All this is possible thanks to high technology equipment and the high qualification of the medical staff.

What is a cerebral aneurysm

A cerebral aneurysm is the abnormal bulge of vascular walls. This condition is very dangerous not only for health but also for human life, because the vessels can rupture and cause internal bleeding. The vascular wall consists of several layers. In violation of at least one protrusion occurs in the affected area. A stroke caused by this disease is found in more than half of the cases.

The cause of this disease is the changes that occur in the vessel walls. The structure is generally disturbed in places where there is a branching of the arteries.

The main danger of the disease is that initially it is asymptomatic. He has often suffered from people aged 35 to 55 years. The aneurysm can be single or multiple.

Manifestations of aneurysms

If the aneurysm does not exceed 10 mm, the disease evolves without symptoms. The pathology begins to emerge as the size increases. The patient will observe the following condition:

  • head pain is intermittent or regular
  • migraneurs condition;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of oppression in the area behind the eyes.
  • blurred vision, fog, haze, darkening of the eyes;
  • violation of facial expressions.

In case of rupture of the aneurysm, the patient experiences severe head pain, increased blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, weakness of the legs. These conditions are often confused with a stroke.

Why is it better to remove the aneurysm in Israel

This country invests a lot in the development of medicine. Doctors are constantly improving their own level, attending local conferences and abroad. Despite the great professionalism, the use of high-tech equipment and the latest surgical methods, prices are much lower than in Europe and the United States. It is also essential that Israel can carry out the most complex and unique operation without further consequences and with a quick recovery.

An operation of a cerebral aneurysm in Israel is performed after a complete diagnosis. The survey includes:

  • a visit to the neurosurgeon;
  • neuro-ophthalmological tests.
  • X-rays of the cervical arteries;
  • MRI
  • videomangagratis;
  • the study of cerebrospinal fluid.

On the basis of a complete diagnosis, an accurate diagnosis will be determined by the treatment procedure.

How is the treatment of this disease in Israel

Getting rid of this vascular pathology in the brain area is only possible during surgical manipulation. Until recently, the main method was to open the skull bone, and the operation itself was very heavy. But in the era of innovation and the use of advanced technologies, the procedure was minimally invasive.

The therapy of a cerebral aneurysm in Israel today only carried out with the help of the latest technologies. There are several ways of treatment. They are described below.

  1. The method of cutting the aneurysm. With the help of an artery catheter with a pathology of the titanium clamp attached, the overlap of the blood channel turns into aneurysm. The convex element of vascular changes does not receive nutrition and blood flow, which results in this part dying over time.
  2. Microcoils seals. With a narrow transition from the aneurysm to the possibility of being filled with mini-spirals. Modern methods of treatment are not applicable in the case where the neck of the aneurysm is sufficiently wide because the coil may fall.
  3. Installation of stents. When the complex structure of the aneurysm excluded the application of microspiral and clipping. In this case, the experts have no choice but to place the stent. After that, it is possible to use microspiral.
  4. Remodelirovania in a balloon. To prevent the loss of helical structures of the aneurysm, a method of remodeling the balloon is used. The exit of the modified vessel covers the cylinder with the help of the catheter.
  5. Treatment with the help of medicines. Can be used conservative medical treatment. Drugs can be used as a mechanism and in conjunction with these operational methods.

In some hospitals, you can get treatment

There are some best recognized clinics in Israel that treat this condition.

  1. Ichilov. This center is one of the largest medical departments in the country. More than a thousand different directions diagnose and responsibly lead operations of different complexity. The price policy of the clinic is quite low by Israeli standards.
  2. Assuta. Globally, a very famous clinic. Leading experts in medicine will participate with the help of innovative technologies. As patients expect a comfortable stay.

Surgical treatment in Israel is always performed at a high level. The patient is carefully diagnosed, in the future he named the most appropriate and effective treatment. The undesirable postoperative consequences in Israel are actually. After surgical treatment, the patient is in the best possible conditions for his rehabilitation, under the strict supervision of a mid-level staff. The price of surgery in this country compared to the global rate is not too high and fully reflects the outcome of treatment, living conditions and care.

The patient who spoke to the Israeli surgeon will be in good hands, attentive and responsible.


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