Trump invites Putin to the White House in the midst of the fallout from the first summit


Upset by swirling critics of his summit meeting with Vladimir Putin, US President Donald Trump quickly invited the Russian leader to the White House this fall for a second meeting. Trump belatedly decided that Putin's incredible offer on shared investigations between the United States and Russia was not good after all.

A meeting of the White House would be a dramatic extension of the legitimacy of the Russian leader, who has long been isolated by the West for activities in Ukraine, Syria and beyond and would have interfered in the future. Presidential election of 2016 that sent Trump to the presidency. No Russian leader has visited the White House in nearly a decade.

In Helsinki, @POTUS accepted a permanent working dialogue between the two staffs of the Security Council. President Trump asked @Ambjohnbolton to invite President Putin to Washington in the fall and these discussions are already underway.


Trump has asked National Security Advisor John Bolton to invite Putin, and "these talks are already under way," said Thursday press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders . Trump had already tweeted that he was looking forward to "our second meeting" as he defended his performance at Monday's summit, during which the two leaders looked at a series of issues including terrorism, terrorism, terrorism and terrorism. Israeli security, nuclear proliferation and North Korea. There are many answers, some easy and some difficult, to these problems … but they can all be solved! "Trump tweeted

" It's going to be special "

There was no immediate reaction from the Kremlin at the invitation.

The news of the event. invitation seemed to catch even the senior intelligence officer of the president by surprise. "Say that again !!"
"This is going to be special."
On Stage ] #AspenSecurity DNI Dan Coats reacts in real time to the news that Vladimir Putin will visit the White House.


" Say it again, "responded National Intelligence Director Dan Coats, when he was informed of the invitation at a meeting at the Aspen Security Forum, Colorado." OK, " he continued, stopping to breathe deeply. "This is going to be special."

First Congressional Reprimand

The announcement came as The White House was looking to clean days of Trump's deceptive statements after the summit on Russia's interference in the 2016 elections. Trump's public doubt about Russia's responsibility at a conference Joint press with Putin on Monday provoked sharp criticism from Republicans and Democrats and forced the president to make a rare admission of public error. He disagrees with Putin's offer to allow the United States to question 12 Russians accused of electoral interference in exchange for Russian talks with the former US ambbadador to Russia and other Americans accused of crimes not specified by the Kremlin. Trump said at the Helsinki press conference that Putin had made an "incredible offer", which implied US access to the Russians indicted in exchange for Russian interviews with Americans, including the former ambbadador. in Russia. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press)

The return of the White House comes just before the Senate votes overwhelmingly against the proposal. This was the first formal Congressional reprimand on Trump's actions since the summit and its aftermath.

Asked about Putin's invitation, Republican Senator of Alaska Dan Sullivan said, "I would not do it, that's for sure." If the Russians want a better relationship, travel to the White House will not help, "he added." They should stop invading their neighbors, they should stop ingesting us in our elections. "

Democrats sing" USA! USA! "

Trump's mixed messages have raised concerns in Congress that the White House does not take the threat seriously Senior House officials have asked Thursday to extend a program of grants from the United States. State for electoral security, but were blocked by Republicans.There is $ 380 million approved in the current budget for the program, which aims to help states to strengthen electoral systems against hackers and hackers. other cyberattacks.

@WhipHoyer on re-engagement motion Security funds: "We can certainly rise above the party and Putin to act in the name of our freedom and security. "

House Democrats Sing in the United States.


@cspan [19659004] Legislation Democratic players burst into songs of "USA! USA! "During the debate,

As to Putin's offer on investigations, Sanders said that she was" sincere "and the United States hopes that the Russians charged" will come to the States United States to prove their innocence or guilt. "

Unanimous Senate Vote

A day earlier, the White House had declared that the offer was in the study, although the Department of The state has described as "absurd" Russia's allegations against Americans, including former US ambbadador to Russia Michael McFaul, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday that "This will not happen."

"The administration is not going to send, forcing Americans to visit Russia to be questioned by Vladimir Putin and his team," Pompeo said in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network.

Senate Republicans have joined Democrats by quickly adopting a resolution, 98-0, which put the Senate against US officials' interrogations Trump prefers the White House for large meetings

Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell promptly organized the vote as lawmakers unleashed an avalanche of resolutions and other proposed actions voicing alarm over Trump's meeting with Putin and the change of the White House. reply.

Coats said Thursday that he hoped the president did not undermine the findings of US intelligence agencies while standing by Putin's side and felt that it was his duty to correct the file. He reiterated the US intelligence badessment of Russian interference and Moscow's "ongoing and ubiquitous efforts to undermine our democracy."

Watch Coats discusses the risk of Russian interference in mid-2018:

The interference was conducted by Russia and still risks being postponed to mid-term 2018 2:43

While they had met privately on three occasions in 2017, Trump opened the door to a possible White House meeting with Putin earlier this year. The Kremlin said in April that the president had invited the Russian leader to the White House when they spoke by telephone in March. At the time, White House officials worked to convince a skeptical president that Helsinki would serve as a more effective backdrop – and warned of a firestorm in case of a meeting. west wing.

Trump, however, expressed his preference for the White House. President Kim Jong-un of North Korea after meeting in Singapore last month

Putin at the White House in 2005

Putin would enter the building for the first time. He last visited the White House in 2005, when he met with President George W. Bush, who hosted the Russian leader in the East Hall as being "my friend."

President Barack Obama congratulated Russian President of the time, Dmitry Medvedev, at the White House in 2010, and took him to a burger at a joint just at the # 39, outside the capital.

The idea of ​​another summit with Putin comes as the Congress struggles T Thursday, lawmakers have tried to discover the details of what happened in Helsinki

Fallout of "The war against objective reality"

Sen. Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republican, said that's what happens "when one makes war on objective reality for nearly two good years, saying that things are wrong and false . "

Russian diplomats say that US-Russian relations are "worse than during the cold war," but that the meeting with Trump began "the way to positive change."

"We'll see how things evolve," Putin said, citing anonymous "forces" in the United States, trying to prevent any improvement in relations and "putting the party's interests on top of it." 39, national interest. "

tried to help elect Trump.She said at the Aspen Forum that Russia was trying to" cause chaos on both sides ".

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