Trump: Putin and I have come to a very good conclusion about Israel & # 39; – U.S. News


U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday evening that the investigation of Special Adviser Robert Mueller on Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election "has dug a gap between us and Russia."

U.S. President Donald Trump said he and Russian President Vladimir Putin "came to a very good conclusion about Israel" at the group's meeting in Helsinki on Monday.

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The US President, who gave an interview to Fox News' Sean Hannity, said that & # 39; s He had the impression that Putin was "a great believer in Israel, he is a fan of Bibi. "

Trump on Israel: Putin is very close to Israel

Trump also said that Putin "helped a lot [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] and will continue to help a lot, which is good for all of us. "

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The two men mentioned Israel at the press conference and declared themselves ready to continue their support for the peace agreement between Israel and Syria signed in 1974. "This will help us calm the situation on the Golan Heights ".

Trump added, "We have worked with Israel for decades – there has never been a country closer to us, and Putin is also very close to Israel, we both spoke to Benjamin Netanyahu and the two countries want to help Israel defend itself. "

Prime Minister Netanyahu congratulated the two presidents for their words.

In the interview given to Fox after the summit, Trump also claimed that Putin had told him: "It's really a shame, because we could do so much good" on the investigation of the FBI.

At a joint press conference after their meeting, Trump said that he had no reason to believe that Russia intervened in the elections. Putin denied Russia's interference at the press conference, and in an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News, he called the allegations "totally ridiculous". Putin also denied claims that he or his government had "incriminating elements" about Trump and his family.

At the press conference, the Russian president also referred to the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence agents accused of cyberattacks against democratic organizations during the elections. Putin made a proposal in which Mueller would work with Russian officials to investigate cybercrimes against US political organizations. Trump told Hannity that he was "fascinated" by Putin's proposal, but said that he had rejected it because he thought Mueller and his team "will probably not want to not go there. "

North Korea 's nuclear weapons program also appeared in Trump' s interview. The President noted that Putin was interested in helping on the subject, but added: "There is no haste, it has been going on for many years."

Trump said that the United States and Russia account for "90 percent" of the world's nuclear weapons "and we had a fake, witch hunt separating us." Trump has accused several senior US intelligence officials of his persecution.

In the interview, Trump said that his meeting with Putin was "very long, a good meeting". Trump added that before the meeting, he thought the United States had a problem with Russia, but now the relations between the two countries are good.

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