Trump-Putin's New York Times cartoon criticized as "homophobic"


A lively political video presented in the New York Times' opinion section sparked the indignation of a number of leaders and supporters of the LGBTQ community

. The short drawing depicts US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin – A trope used many times by comedians and satirists seeking to make fun of the relationship between the two rulers

"The admiration not -Secret of Donald Trump for Vladimir Putin is played in a teenager's room, where the fantasies of this love story "Trump and Putin: A Love Story" is part of a series of three videos titled "Trump Bites", which was hosted by Oscar-nominated animator Bill Plympton and produced by Billy Shebar and David Roberts.In the New York Times article accompanying the video, published on the Times website at the end in the month of June, the creators stated that the series was a "riff on Mr. Trump's absurd remarks to illustrate the president's tumultuous inner life, paranoia, narcissism, and xenophobia."

Using Real Audio Clips from Trump, the video shows a cartoon representation of the president preparing for what appears to be a date. Throw on a tuxedo, Trump opens the door to find a shirtless Poutine. The American president then gives his heart to the Russian leader. After nice exchanges, they share an intense kiss with the tongue and leave at dusk on a unicorn.

A number of LGBTQ leaders and lawyers quickly criticized the video as homophobic after being posted on Twitter on Monday. The Trump-Putin summit was underway in Helsinki in 1965

"This is not just an intense nonsense, it's homophobic like everyone else," said Brian Sims, of Pennsylvania. "What makes you think that equate the love that millions of people around the world feel for each other with the inconceivable criminal relationship between these two is OK ?! "Really, please explain."

@nytimes This is not only intensely stupid, it is homophobic like all hell. What makes you think that equating the love that countless people across the planet are fighting and dying for the inconceivable criminal relationship between these two is OK ?! Really, please explain.

– Brian Sims (@BrianSimsPA) July 16, 2018

Phillip Picardi, an openly gay Condé Nast leader, who runs the company's new LGBTQ website, Them , also criticized "homophobic" video.

"This implies that being gay is an insult to these two men, which implies that being gay would emasculate them," Picardi wrote on Twitter. "This implies that calling them homobaduals together would make them angry and incite to the reaction.It is below us."

This is homophobic. This implies that being gay is an insult to these two men. This implies that being gay would emasculate them. This implies that calling them homobaduals would make them angry and incite reaction. It's below us.

– Phillip Picardi (@pfpicardi) July 16, 2018

Bibadual defender and writer Alex Berg blasted The New York Times and the creators of the video for using resources to produce an "offensive joke."

"I think of the resources that fueled this tired and offensive joke – it took 11 people to make this video, it would have been so much better to spot unsung queer heroes or even some sort of satire on the way Russia is dangerous to LGBTQ people. "

I think of the resources that fueled this tired and offensive joke. people to do this video. It would have been so much better to show off unsung queer heroes or even some kind of satire about how dangerous Russia is for LGBTQ people.

– Alex Berg (@itsalexberg) July 16, 2018

In a The New York Times spokesperson, NBC News, said that the newspaper's opinion section "estimates that" It's important to present a diversity of thoughts across a series of distinct voices, like Bill Plympton, who is known for his sometimes disrespectful, disturbing cartoons. "

" The video is not meant to be homophobic, "continued the spokesman. "The filmmaker's vision was that of a teenager craze portrayed through a dreamy fantasy sequence: he would have used the same format to satirize Trump's craze for another politician, regardless of bad or baduality, including "How to Kiss."

This is not the first time that a comedian or satirist is criticized for hinting that the relationship between Trump and Putin is badual.

Last year, Stephen Colbert was castigated after saying that the only thing that Trump's mouth is good for is Vladimir Putin's c-k case. Colbert finally apologized (somehow) for the comments, saying that he would change a few words that were rougher than they needed them.

More recently, Bette Midler has been criticized for making a similar joke on Twitter

Trump and Putin meet in Finland next month. It's a long way to go for a blowjob, but hey – Putin has money.

– Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) 29 June 2018


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