Trump says he and Putin have reached a very good conclusion for Israel at the meeting


US President Donald Trump said Monday night that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin had achieved "a very good conclusion for Israel" at their summit in Helsinki,
but did not elaborate on the details.

"At the end of this meeting, I think we have arrived at many good conclusions, a very good conclusion for Israel, something very strong, he is a believer in Israel, he is a fan of Bibi" Trump told Fox News about President Putin, using the nickname of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"And (he) helps a lot and will help a lot, which is good for all of us," said the president.

President Trump speaks about Israel and Putin

At a joint press conference after the head-to-head meeting of the two leaders, Trump said that the United States and Russia security, adding that Netanyahu had been consulted on the issue.

"We both talked with Bibi and they would like to do some things with Syria related to the security of Israel," Trump told reporters. "Russia and the United States will work together (in this regard)."

"Working with Israel is a good thing and creating security for Israel is something that Putin and I would like to see a lot," said Trump.

   (Photo: AP)

(Photo: AP)

Putin said that Trump had spent a lot of time talking about Israel during their talks. Conditions were in place for effective cooperation on Syria, Putin added. Washington and Moscow support different sides in the eight-year civil war.

Netanyahu's office issued a statement shortly after the press conference.

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commends the steadfast commitment of the United States and President Donald Trump to the security of Israel, expressed during the meeting between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. never been stronger, "said the prime minister's office.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu also appreciates security coordination between Israel and Russia and President Putin's clear position on the need to respect the 1974 Separation of Forces Agreement between Israel and Syria."

   (Photo: AFP)

(Photo: AFP)

The US president also praised the strong ties woven with Israel and its administration, signaling that the preservation of Israel's security is a priority for both leaders.

"Never has any country been as close to Israel as we are," Trump said in response to a reporter's question.

Prime Minister Netanyahu made repeated visits to Russia to persuade Putin to use his influence in Syria to withdraw all Iranian forces from the Golan Heights, the latest.
which took place last week in a trip to Moscow during the World Cup.

Reuters and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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