Turkish Jews fear growing anti-Semitism – Diaspora


  Turkish Jews fear anti-Semitism

ANTI-ISRAEL protesters waving placards and a Palestinian flag at a demonstration to mark the annual Al Quds Day in Istanbul in July 2016. The signs are titled: "Free Jerusalem, a world without Israel (left) and" Down with Israel ".
(Photo credit: MURAD SEZER / REUTERS)


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"A Jew means" liar "," A Jew is a man who stabs people in the back "," A Jew is a coward to kill the weak "- These are just a few examples that representatives of the World Union Zionist met this week in a primary school in Istanbul, Turkey.

It turns out that the crisis between Israel and Turkey not only affects tourists in search of cheap all-inclusive summer holidays, but also and especially the Jewish community living in a majority country Muslim. It is a centuries-old community that proudly perpetuates its traditions dating back to the Jewish expulsion from Spain.

Today, the Jewish community in Turkey is exposed to anti-Semitic incitement that is made by tilting public opinion in the streets against the state of Israel and the Jewish people. For this reason, there is a growing concern for the well-being of the Jews of Turkey, since history shows that antisemitic killings come as a result of the ongoing incitement.

According to representatives of the World Zionist Organization, there has recently been an intensification of expressions against the State of Israel and the Jewish people by Turkish officials, led by the President of the Turkey.

In the most recent example, the signs were found in a public school in Istanbul that said: "A Jew means" liar "," A Jew is a man who stabs people in the back "and" A Jew is a coward who kills the weak ". Another sign read: [they will] reaches Jerusalem and the "liberates". [19] In response to these harsh statements, Yaakov Hagoel, Vice President of the World Zionist Organization and Head of Anti-Semitism Department said, "I reach out to the Jewish community in Turkey and I call to stand firmly against slander against the people of Israel and the state of Israel. "

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