Tzipi Livni Named Leader of the Opposition after Herzog's Departure – Israel News


Zionist Union leader Avi Gabbay and Tzipi Livni announced Monday that they were in agreement that she be appointed Leader of the Opposition. Livni will take the place in the place of Isaac Herzog, who has been appointed head of the Jewish Agency.

The Zionist Union is an alliance between the Labor Party, led by Gabbay, and Hatnua, led by Livni. As part of the deal, Livni promised to work with Gabay in the upcoming elections, although the terms of their alliance remain on the agenda. Gabbay can not serve as Leader of the Opposition since he is not a legislator.

Livni and Gabbay said that their goal is to strengthen the Zionist Union so that it can replace the Likud in government. The two will hold a joint press conference later on Monday.

"We are making today an important step in building an alternative to the government in place, a camp that can constitute new hope for the people of Israel," said Mr. Gabay in a statement. He added that Livni brings "a wealth of experience, including security and diplomacy."

An alternative was that legislator Shelly Yacimovich (Labor) became leader of the opposition, but she did not want work. Gabay said Yacimovich chose to remain the chair of the state control committee. Yacimovich had led the Labor Party between 2011 and 2013.

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Yacimovich said that Livni would be an "excellent" opposition leader and wished him every success. She called on voters to stand behind Gabay and focus on creating an alternative to the right-wing extremist government.

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