US voters re-elect lawmakers facing criminal indictments & corruption charges, because why not? – RT US News


Embarrbading social media photos could have been a problem, but several lawmakers have shown that you can get caught up with corruption and re-election win.

American reporters took part in the politics of the United States of America. Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins – both of them face federal indictments for crimes including embezzlement and securities fraud – won re-election. As long as the Democrats do not win, right?

Another big takeaway tonight: Being under federal indictment is no bar to winning re-election! Just ask Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter. # Midterms2018

– Ben White (@morningmoneyben) November 7, 2018

Hunter, a five-term congressman from California, was charged with $ 250,000.

The hunter has been remarkably creative ways to spend the money – even using the funds to purchase a pet rabbit. The congressman also used the money to reportedly carry out extramarital affairs and to take vacations to Hawaii, London, and Las Vegas. He's the blame on his wife.

The 60-count indictment includes allegations of conspiracy, wire fraud, and falsification of records.

Hunter's electoral success can be attributed to a number of factors. For starters, the politician enjoys a peculiar kind of name recognition: Hunter's father, also named Duncan, held the House for 28 years before him. The legacy congressman also employed some below-the-belt attacks against his opponent, Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar. Hunter's campaign even suggests that Campa-Najjar, who is a Latino Arab-American, was a security risk because of alleged family links to terrorism.

Hey, CA's 50th congressional district: You are aware that the man you re-elected, Duncan Hunter, was right? FEDERAL INDICTMENT.

– Abraham Lim (@realabrahamlim) November 7, 2018

Collins, who represents New York's 27th District, was also indicted in August. The three-term incumbent is accused of insider trading. Prosecutors claim that the Republican congressman tipped off the Australian drug company Innate Immunotherapeutics. Collins was serving on the company's board at the time. His is the most likely to be a victim of the stock into freefall. Collins is suspended after being arrested. He re-launched his campaign in mid-September after the Republican Party failed to replace him on the ballot. He defeated his Democratic opponent, Nate McMurray, by about one percent.

The New York congressman may be a crook, but he has a political crystal ball: He was the first House member to endorse the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump.

Republicans were not the only ones to cash in big on the mindless Red vs. Blue paradigm, however. Voters appeared to be equally supportive on the other side of the aisle. Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez, who represents New Jersey, was victorious in Tuesday's elections despite being bribed in 2017. The Justice Department eventually dropped the case.

This is a country where indicted Chris Collins & Duncan Hunter get elected, but Beto O'Rourke & Andrew Gillum do not.

Something really sad about that.#ElectionNight

– Jim Heath (@JimHeathTV) November 7, 2018

Even though polls showed that the voters did not think.

"They are looking at the President to President Donald Trump and Republicans more," Vox noted.

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