Verizon will no longer activate your 3G device


If, by chance, you are part of the small number of smartphone users who still have a 3G device, Verizon Wireless has some bad news. Earlier today, the wireless carrier has revealed that they will no longer activate 3G CDMA phones. Instead, the company will only accept phones with 4G LTE capability.

The news of today confirms the speculation made earlier this year that Verizon will stop activating 3G devices in June or July. Adding to that, Droid-Life reported that a few people were rejected by Verizon for the activation of their 3G devices. The publication decided to reach out to the carrier and obtain an official statement regarding this rumor.

"For a number of years, we have been saying publicly that our 3G CDMA network will remain available until the end of 2019. Virtually all traffic on our network is on our 4G LTE network.

To facilitate a transition into Gentleness towards We no longer allow the activation of 4G LTE devices on our network. "

This Verizon initiative has long been expected since the company stopped selling 3G devices. In its place, Big Red offered LTE flip phones only to customers who prefer the flip phone model. It has also been reported that Verizon has begun to require customers that they use 4G LTE devices that support HD and VoLTE calls.

For now, Verizon is shutting down its 3G CDMA network. The wireless service provider intends to do so by the end of next year.

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