WATCH: Joe Lieberman's daughter makes Aliya with 231 other new immigrants – Israel News


The daughter of former US Senator Joe Lieberman was one of 232 new North American immigrants arriving in Israel on a special chartered flight chartered by Nefesh's aliyah organization Nefesh (NBN).

Hana Lowenstien, Lieberman's daughter, immigrated to Israel with her husband Daniel and their four children who are between 2 and 7 years old.

"We will go a lot," Lieberman told The Jerusalem Post Tuesday morning at JFK airport where he had come to send his family. His eldest grandchild already lives in Israel "so it's a movement in our family," Lieberman remarked.

"I'm excited, I'm proud of them – it's the Jewish future, the Jewish fate, we miss them of course, but thank God we have WhatsApp, Facetime and Skype I am very grateful to live in a time – for the first time in two millennia – that there is a Jewish state of Israel that Jews around the world can choose by choice and not just because they need a sanctuary. "

" It's a good time for Israel inside, and for US-Israeli relations outside, "he said. he added.

Daniel Lowenstein, 32, is a rabbi and psychiatrist and Hana Lowenstein works for the Orthodox Union. "We have been planning this for a long time," says Hana, explaining that the time had come for them to leave Baltimore because Daniel had finished his residency. "We have a strong sense of belonging to the chain of Jewish history and we feel We are privileged to live in a time when we can live in Israel. "

The Lowenstein children are 4 out of 127 children who were on the run, including more than half of the new immigrants whose aliyah was facilitated by the NBN in collaboration with the Israeli Ministry of Aliya and Integration, the Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth & Israel and the JNF-USA.

The olim group ranged from 6 months old to 80 years old and included 34 families, 18 singles, three pairs of twins, six future IDF soldiers and 15 health professionals. 62 of the olim will go to the outskirts of Israel, 35 of which to the south, as part of Nefesh's joint "Do not get tired of" Nefesh – KKL initiative that supports immigrants who move to these areas as well as Jerusalem.

come from all over the United States: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and Washington, as well as the Canadian province of Quebec.

"Every day that brings new olim to Israel is a joyful occasion, especially when there are one hundred and thirty children in a single flight of aliyah.This is the future that is unfolding before us," said the Minister of Aliya and Integration, Sofa Landver, who attended a festive welcoming ceremony organized for new immigrants at Ben Gurion airport. "These new as well as the country's veterans, strengthen resilience, economic development and Israeli society as a whole, and I am delighted that many olim join our Negev-Galilee project which will help strengthen the periphery of the country. Israel. "[19659003"AsanorganizationthathabadistedfortwelveyearswebelievethatitisveryimportanttobringtheJewsofIsraeltoIsrael"saidDannyasWorldPresidentoftheKKL-JNF"WhileKerenKayemeththeIsraelishavesoughttoreducethegapbetweentheirlives"WeareinspiredtoseesomanychildrenmaketheirAliyatodaywiththeirfamilies"Asa70thanniversarythecountryisnowlookingtowardsthefuture-anerathatwillbeshapedbytheingenuityandpbadionofthebraveandpioneeringolimwhoarestartingtheirlivesintheJewishstate"saidtherabbiYehoshuaFbadCo-FounderandNefeshExecutiveDirectorNefesh:"ThegroupofyoungolimarrivingtodaywillhavetheimmenseopportunitytogrowanddevelopinIsraelandtobepartofthemiraclemodernJewishpeoplewhoreturnedtotheJewishhomeland"[19659003Lenouvelolimestarrivésurlepremierdedeuxvolsdechartersdel'annéedeNefeshB'Nefeshquiavec8volsd'aliyahdegroupeetolimarrivantindépendammentsurunebasejournalièreferauntotalde2000personnesimmigrNefeshB'Nefeshrugueuxcetétéd'AmériqueduNordDepuis2002NefeshB'Nefeshavecsespartenairesaapportéplusde57000olimàIsraëlenprovenancedesÉtats-UnisduCanadaetduRoyaumeKingdom[19659011] (function (d, s, id) {
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