Watchdog problems report that the UN has not addressed anti-Semitism


A UN Watchdog report released Monday traces the treatment of anti-Semitism by the UN during the 2008-2017 decade, accusing the international body of having widely failed in his "unique role … in the fight against hatred, incitement and violence". "It seems that the UN sees racism everywhere, and anti-Semitism nowhere," accuses the report, condemning "UN primary agencies and officials to fight discrimination have, for the most part , turned a blind eye to anti-Semitism ". "

Citing the three previous secretaries of the UN early, the report explains that the UN has not respected its mission, saying that if other forms of discrimination are easily condemned, anti-Semitism was not respected.

"The United Nations emerged from the ashes of the Holocaust. And a human rights program that does not respond to anti-Semitism denies its own history. We expect our friends in civil society to keep us on the right track, "Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in 2004 at the top of the report, which mainly covers the United Nations during his term of office. began in 2006 … 2016.

Yet, despite these positive statements, the Watchdog criticizes Ban Ki-moon for "refraining [ing] from using such strong language regarding terrorist attacks against Jewish targets, which he does not condemn at all ", unlike


The report was presented to the Knesset during a session organized by the Opposition MP Yair Lapid at a time of rare consensus on the part of Israel. Lawmakers, agree with the conclusions.

"When it comes to Jews, when it comes to Israelis, the UN has become a hostile and biased body," Lapid said. "The organization that is intended to combat anti-Semitism, which has sworn to fight anti-Semitism, is guilty of anti-Semitism itself."

Going into the details, the report called on the UN to issue only two resolutions denouncing anti-Semitism, which were part of broader accusations of discrimination and the fundamental right to religious freedom.

Another central point of the report is the apparent lowering of the persecution and the unique atrocities committed against Jews in the Holocaust. "The Holocaust" so to speak against Roma and homobaduals.

"In a decade marked by shocking anti-Semitic violence in which Muslim extremists were behind the most devastating attacks and, in particular, in light of the inflammatory anti-Semitic incitement of the Muslim world, Ban's general silence on this issue marks a moral failure, "said the report of the previous secretary.

The UN also put Guterres to the test for not having insisted on the Jewish persecution above others in the Holocaust, but kept hope during his tenure.

The report issued less favorable reviews of the current head of the High Commissioners of Human Rights. Man, Ra'ad Al-Hussein, claiming that his service was "almost totally ignored when it comes to fighting anti-Semitism."

 Thomas Coex (AFP)

The Israeli Minister of Justice, Ay Shaked elect, called to withdraw from the HRC, as the United States did last week, but was hampered by the Foreign Ministry.

Lapid suggested continuing efforts to influence the HRC as a member rather than withdrawing. stand with the victims of anti-Semitism, not with the anti-Semites. It's time to free the UN from the heinous hold of Israel's enemies and human rights foes, "he said. [ad_2]
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