Wave of the future: More than half of new immigrants are under 17


  Children aboard the charter flight land in Ben Gurion and are greeted by NBN and Landver

Children aboard chartered flight to Ben Gurion are greeted by NBN and Landver

Shahar Azran

Wednesday morning , the future of Israel has been shaped for generations to come when 127 children arrived at Ben Gurion airport on a special flight of aliyah (immigration to Israel – ed) chartered by Nefesh B & NE Nefesh (NBN).

Working with the NBN to bring the new olim (immigrants to Israel – ed.) Were the Israeli Ministry of Aliya and Integration, the Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth & The Israel (KKL), and the JNF-USA.

The flight included 232 olim, of which 127 are under 17 years old

This diverse group of newcomers to Israel was 6 months to 80 years old and included 34 families, 18 singles, three pairs of twins, six future soldiers IDF and 15 health professionals. Participating in the NBN-KKL joint "Go Beyond" initiative, thirty-five percent of the flight (88 olim) will travel to locations in northern and southern Israel, outside metropolitan areas of Jerusalem and the center.

The new olim hail across the United States, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington, as well as the Canadian province of Quebec

After the arrival of the flight to Ben Gurion Airport, a festive reception ceremony was held. The distinguished guests at the ceremony included: the Minister of Aliyah and the Sofa Landver Integration (Yisrael Beytenu); Dr. Avraham Neguise (Likud), Chairman of the Committee on Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs, MP Yehudah Glick (Likud); and Nefesh's Co-Founders Bf Nefesh, Rabbi Yehoshua Fbad and Tony Gelbart.

"Every day that brings new olim to Israel is a joyous occasion, especially when there are one hundred and thirty children on a single flight of Aliya." The Ministry of Aliya and the "Aliya". Integration, along with Nefesh B & # 39; Nefesh, continues to encourage Aliya and help immigrants from North America.These newcomers, together with the country's veterans, Strengthen resilience, economic development and Israeli society as a whole.I am so glad that many olim today join our Negev-Galilee project which will help strengthen the periphery of the city. Israel. "

Danny Atar, world president of KKL-JNF, said:" As an organization that has existed for nearly 120 years, we see "As Keren Kayemeth the" Israel is working to reduce the gaps between the people living in the center and the outskirts of Israel, we see the new olim are d move north and south like a huge national. badet. Even after 70 years of independence, the work continues and the construction of the Jewish house is not over.

The Minister of Aliya and Integration Sofa Landver poses with the Leopold family of Las Vegas after his charter flight Aliyah with Nefesh B & NE Nefesh

Rabbi Yehoshua Fbad said "We are inspired to see so many children doing their Aliya today with their families." While Israel recently celebrated its 70th birthday, the country is now looking towards the future – a era that will be shaped by the ingenuity and pbadion of the brave and pioneering olim who start their lives again in the Jewish state. "

" The group of young olim arriving today will have the immense opportunity to grow and develop in Israel, and to be part of the modern miracle of the Jewish people returning to the Jewish homeland. "

Négresse adds:" Welcome to all the olim of North America arriving today In the state of Israel Their aliyah is the fulfillment of the bi prophecies that the Jewish people will return to the land of Israel. I thank all those who helped make this dream a reality. "

" It's an incredibly moving experience to be able to welcome new immigrants to the state of Israel upon their arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, "said the chief of the MK Yitzhak Herzog (Zionist Union). "I wish the new olim a life full of happiness here, as well as a smooth and swift transition into Israeli society. The Jewish Agency will always consider the aliyah as one of its main functions, and as such would like to welcome our partnership with Nefesh B & NE Nefesh to help with the immigration of Jews in Israel. "

The new Olim arrived the first two tank flights of the year from Nefesh B & NEFES, which with 8 flights from Aliyah and the arrival of Olim independently each day, will bring more than 2,000 people to immigrate by Nefesh B & NE Nefesh this summer from North America. "B & NE Nefesh, along with its partners, has brought more than 57,000 Olim in Israel from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

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