'We sat in the living room, suddenly we were filled with blood & # 39;


Aharon Buchris, the father whose family was injured when a gas rocket hit their house on Saturday, described the incident from his hospital bed

"We were sitting in the living room, and the glbad fell on us ". Buchris, 50, said. "The whole house was filled with smoke, we were filled with blood, we had shrapnel, my daughters were injured and we were shocked."

Buchris' wife, 45, was been injured in shrapnel. Their 15-year-old daughter was injured in the face, her 14-year-old sister was injured in her legs.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said, "Our loved ones, who live near the Gaza border, are protecting Israel." This Shabbat (Sabbath), too, we were with you, we hold each mermaid, we support our forces when they return from each mission, these days are not simple, and we will not allow them to become routines 19659002] "Your strong position and your strength are incredible, they are a source of inspiration for all of us, even when the sirens extinguish and the ground burns, you continue plowing, working, walking on the lands of your beloved. We will continue to strike those who are seeking our disappearance, and we will not stop until the calm returns to the south.

"We thank all the Israeli Defense Forces and the fire and rescue forces that are on guard at this time, since 15:00, more than 100 rockets and mortars have been fired at Israel since Gaza, the Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system was shot down at least 20 times, and 73 others fell in open areas.Except for damage to a hen house, no other damage was caused by those rockets that fell into open areas.

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