Weather Forecast for All Star Game, Run Derby Home in Washington


It's the weekend of stars in Washington, and baseball fans are invading the capital. A mini heat wave is also moving, with temperatures in the 90's and a three-digit heat index up to Tuesday.

The big event is not until Tuesday night, but there are several events – outdoor and indoor – leading to the All-Star Game at Nationals Park

For outdoor enjoyment, we suggest glbades sun, light colored clothing and sunscreen. An umbrella will go even further to keep you cool and keep the sun on your skin.

And of course, you are going to need a lot of water. Sealed water bottles and empty personal bottles are generally allowed to cross the gates of the national park, as long as they are not packed too much. (Pro tip: You can also bring food from the outside, as long as it's in clear containers like clear or soft freezer bags or Tupperware, as hard plastic is technically forbidden in the park 19659006] Below you will find detailed forecasts for the outdoor events leading up to the All-Star Game:

  • Clbadical Armed Services
  • All-Star 5K
  • All-Star Sunday
  • MLB All- Star Game

[ MLB All-Star Event & Calendar Games: All You Need to Know]

Armed Services Clbadic

When: Friday, 7:00 pm

Where: National Park

When doors open at 5 pm, the temperature will be near the hottest of the day – around 86 or 87 degrees. to have some clouds in the sky, but the sun will fall to the bottom until it falls down around 7 pm. The humidity is not terrible today, with dew points only in the upper 50s. This should make it a little more comfortable than it would be in mid-July in Washington. There is no chance of rain tonight, so the game itself is at stake.

MLB All-Star 5K

When: Saturday, 8:00 am

Where: ] Yards Park, at First and M Streets SE

It is relatively cool on Saturday morning as runners go up and align for the race. Expect temperatures in the upper 60's at 6 o'clock, climbing to the low 70's at the start of the race. At noon, the mild morning is a distant memory, as temperatures reach the 80s and peak at 90 later in the afternoon. Fortunately, the humidity is low. Do not forget to wear sunscreen.

Sunday of the Stars

When: Sunday, the All-Star Futures Game begins at 4:00 pm, followed by the Softball Celebrity Legends and Match Match

Where: Nationals Park

The heat really starts to rise on Sunday. The high temperatures will be in the low 90s and will peak when the doors open for the event. The dew point will be in the 60's, so the humidity is much higher than the days before. There is some relief in the form of clouds, which should be numerous in the evening. There is also a slight chance to shower or a storm, but that does not seem serious enough to cancel or delay events.

Home Run Derby

When: Monday, 20 hrs. (doors open at 5:00 pm)

Where: Nationals Park

Oh man, it's hot. And there are also thunderstorms that can cool things down but certainly will not be good for the derby itself. The temperatures will be in the mid-90s when the doors open, and combined with high humidity, the heat index is likely in all three figures. The greatest risk of showers or showers is between 2 pm and 6 pm, so the national park can stay dry all evening. At 20h, the temperature drops to 80%, which is still quite hot considering the humidity. A light breeze could help cool things down. At 22:00, the temperatures are in the low 80's.

MLB Star Match

When: Tuesday, 8:00 pm (doors open at 4:30 pm)

Where: Nationals Park

It's going to be hot, but the biggest risk for the All-Star Game is the risk of 50% storms throughout the day. At a certain time between 1 am and 11 am, Nationals Park will likely have rain, if not a complete storm. The question is whether there is enough rain to delay or even cancel the match. Temperatures reach the early 90s in the early afternoon, then cool off when showers and storms move. The humidity remains very high, with dew points in the lower 70s. The cold front approaching the northwest only happens well after the match, which means that Washington will be in the middle of the hot July and wet of the evening. });
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