What are waiting for Putin and Trump from the Helsinki summit?


Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump will meet in Finland Monday for their first one-on-one summit

Relations between their two countries are at their lowest levels since the cold war, pair

What is Moscow and Washington hoping to get talks?

– The Moscow Viewpoint –

The fact that the meeting is held at All is already a victory for the Kremlin, which has long sought a summit but has been repulsed by Washington, according to the badyst Andrei Baklitsky

The conflicts in Syria and the Ukraine, as well as the alleged interference in US elections and Western sanctions are bone of contention between countries. He added that he expected few "revolutionary decisions" to be made at the summit

. A joint declaration was as expected as possible, he added

. Political badyst Alexei Malachenko suggested that Putin could try to convince Trump to take a "more flexible" stance on war-torn Syria, in the hope that Washington would be less active in the country, said Malashenko.

"The United States will want to convince Moscow that the Iranian forces must leave Syria, but Putin is" probably not ready "to compromise relations with Tehran on this issue, he added. [19659002] In any case, the subject is easier to discuss for both leaders than the ongoing conflict in the east of the former Soviet Union, which is a much more sensitive issue for Russia. [19659002]Baklitsky said that Russia would refuse – if it has long – interfered in the 2016 US presidential vote that brought Trump to power.

But Moscow might be willing to issue a joint statement pledging to not to conduct such an activity in the future

– The view of Washington –

US badysts have suggested that Trump's value lies in placing himself at the center of US foreign policy. [19659002] "He wants to be perceived as the one who he makes these decisions, that he does them unilaterally, that he William Pomeranz, deputy director of the Kennan Institute of the Wilson Center

"It is the perception that is most important to Trump rather than what he actually gets, "he told AFP


Alina Polyakova, a foreign policy researcher at the Brookings Institution in Washington, agreed that Trump would use the summit as an opportunity to elevate her position in the country

. to be able to sell as a victory with Russia? "Russia is not a threat to us because I have personally made this connection with Putin and we are seeing things closely," she said. But William Courtney, a former partner of the Rand Corporation, a non-partisan organization in Washington, said Trump could try to get minor deals on deliverables.

He cited as an example the possible reopening of the US consulate in St. Petersburg and Russian in San Francisco.

It was less likely that Trump would try to make a kind of big deal with Russia, such as the recognition of Crimea annexed by Russia in exchange for Moscow. Olga Oliker, Senior Advisor and Director of the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said there were three mutually beneficial topics that both leaders could discuss.

19659002] These would be the extension of the new START treaty on arms reduction, the protection of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the establishment of better military-to-military communications over a wide range of of subjects.

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