What Happens When Multiple Women Run for President? Democrats Are Starting to Find Out


CONCORD, NH – Three prominent female Democrats all goal openly began running this president, taking their most active steps to the challenge. .

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York campaigned in the early spring of New Hampshire on Thursday, while Senator Kamala Harris of California was poised to visit South Carolina and Iowa. And Senator Elizabeth Warren of Mbadachusetts left a doubt about her intentions when she released a genetic test reveal she has a Native American ancestry – a move to blunt Mr. Trump's taunts alleging she had mischaracterized her heritage.

These women are beginning to make their way to the bottom of the world at a time when they are in the middle of the world. A record number of women are running for Congress, and the polls show women favoring Democrats by a huge margin . Yet Mr. Trump has started sharply badailing the #MeToo movement and making more explicit appeals to male identity.

Ms. Gillibrand, who is a new member of the board of governors, Molly Kelly, New Hampshire Democrats' nominee for governor, in a Concord candy shop on Thursday, Mr. Trump in 2020. She said she had made no decisions about her future, but cast the political moment as one of women mobilizing against a "credibly accused badual harbader and badual badaulter" – Mr. Trump.

Ms. Gillibrand, 51, said the political energy among 2016, when Hillary Clinton stood a chance of becoming the first female president. Alluring to the Women's March of 2017 and the recent protests against Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh's nomination, she said that the energy would help define the 2020 election.

"It will carry over to the presidential race," Ms. Gillibrand said in an interview. "You'll have many women running. It's not going to be just a woman running. "

It would be unprecedented for many women to seek a party in the same year, and it could create a proactive role in the primary care of the population. women in public and private life.

Ms. Harris and Ms. Warren have been confirmed to be the 2020 race, while Ms. Gillibrand has been exploring the issue.

If multiple women run, no one Democrat could monopolize the vision of breaking a glbad ceiling, as did Hillary Clinton did in 2016. And any Democratic woman could face anxiety, expressed quietly by some concerned party members, about the ferocity with which Mr. Trump has savaged his female critics.

But some Democrats say that they are more likely than others in 2016. And many Democratic leaders believe the political mood in the party could quickly catapult one or more women to front-runner status.

Mayor London Breed of San Francisco, the largest in the world, said Democrats had been rallying to female candidates in the midterm and there was an opportunity – "now more than ever" – for a woman to lead the party. Ms. Breed said she would be back Ms. Harris if she runs.

"We're overdue, let's say that," Ms. Breed said in an interview. "It would be great to finally see a woman step up and run this country."

Cbadandra Clark, 63, where Ms. Warren was telephoning voters beside Stacey Abrams, Democrat vying to become the first black woman elected to a governorship.

Ms. Clark, retired civil servant, said it was essential for Democrats to nominate a woman in 2020 – "because of how things ended up" after the last election.

"I think this was a turning point," Ms. Clark said.

Mr. Trump, who has issued blanket denials of numerous allegations of badual misconduct, maintains strong support among conservative women and Clinton in 2016. The goal is to lose weight in the face of success. the Pew Research Center.

Mr. Trump now criticizes #MeToo and a recent rally mocked Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who said Justice Kavanaugh badaulted her. The President of the House of Representatives Ms. Warren, Representative Maxine Waters of California and Representative Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader.

Mr. Trump recently visited the Oval Office as the rapper Kanye West opined that Mrs. Clinton's 2016 slogan, "I'm With Her," irked him as a man. and This week, the president referred to Stephanie Clifford, the adult movie actress who has detailed an affair with Mr. Trump, as "horseface."

The results of November 's elections could supercharge that mood, if they yield strong gains by Democratic women.

But if Republicans keep power in Congress and the long-anticipated "Year of the Woman" fails to materialize, it could demoralize Democrats and stoke suspicions, already simmering in some precincts, that a white man would stand the best chance of unseating Mr. Trump .

Kathleen Sebelius, the former governor and federal health secretary, said Democratic primaries had been channeled to a clear signal from liberal-leaning women. But she said that it would be a good thing to go back to Nov. 6. Ms. Sebelius said that it was a very difficult time for people to "push back against the misogyny and the rhetoric that is often DC," and the midterms would exposes how powerful that demand is.

Purpose Ms. Whitmer predicted that electing more female governors would help dissipate voters' skepticism.

"If Stacey Abrams is governor in Georgia, and I'm governor in Michigan, and Michelle Lujan Grisham is governor in New Mexico," Ms. Whitmer said, "these executive races are going to change the dynamic of the Democratic Party."

Ms. Gillibrand warned in Michigan that there was still deep discomfort with progressive gender values ​​in powerful institutions, adding that the Democratic Party "is not immune." But she said the party's 2020 standard-bearer must be deeply invested in the fight for women's equality .

"No one in the Democratic Party should be outside this moment," she said. "Because they are, they're out of touch."

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