When is The Little Drummer Girl on TV? Who is in the casting?


Remember when we collectively fell in love with The Night Manager? Well now, the production company behind this drama of John the Square is coming back with another adaptation of the spy novelist – and it seems to be one of the big televised events of the year.

Florence Pugh, Michael Shannon, Alexander Skarsgård and Charles Dancing is lined up to star in a story from the 70s.

Here's what we know up until today. here:

When will Little Thresher be on TV? 19659005] Alexander Skarsgård as Becker, Florence Pugh as Charlie Ross – The Little Girl Drumer _ Season 1, Episode 3 – Photo credit: © 2018 The Little Girl Thresher Limited Distribution. All rights reserved. TL, BBC ” title=”The Little Drummer Girl”/>

The Little Drummer Girl goes into production in February 2018, with a start of shooting in Greece in early June.

The release date has not been confirmed yet, but it will air on BBC1 later in 2018. As for The Night Manager, it is a co-production between the BBC , the AMC broadcaster, and the independent production company The Ink Factory

The producers The Ink Factory Simon and Stephen Cornwell – who are also the sons of the author – said in a statement that The Little Drummer Girl is "one of the greatest novels of Le Carré."

Who will play in The Little Drummer Girl?

  Little Drummer Girl "title =" Little Drummer Girl "/> </div>
<p>  The six-part series will feature Florence Pugh in the role of Charlie, a young actress who is sucked into a storyline. spying because of rising tensions in the Middle East: Lady Macbeth and Cordelia at King Lear by Anthony Hopkins in the TV movie. </p>
<p>  True Blood and Tarzan's Alexander Skarsgård will play the role of Becker, the Charlie's holiday star – who turns out to be an Israeli intelligence officer </p>
<p>  Michael Shannon, known for The Shape of Water and Man of Steel, is also in the cast, playing the Israeli Kurz spazaster </p>
<div clbad=  Alexander Skarsgård as Becker, Michael Shannon as Kurtz

The actor Tywin Lannister of Game of Thrones Charles Dance joined the series in the role of Picton, alongside Michael Moshonov as Litvak, Sharif Ghattas as Khalil, Amir Khoury as Michel, Katha rina Schüttler as Helga, and Simona Brown as Rachel. Max Irons will play the role of Al.

South Korean filmmaker Park Chan-wook will direct the adaptation of the 1983 novel. He stated in a statement: "At the heart of this story is an extremely painful, but exciting romance … I'm excited to the idea of ​​seeing how the beats of Florence Pugh, the most energetic young woman I've seen recently, "

About The Little Drummer Girl

  Alexander Skarsgård in the role of Becker in The Little Drumer Girl

John Le Carré publishes The Little Drummer Girl in 1983, a decade before his Cold War spy novel The Night Manager, adapted by the production company The Ink Factory for BBC1 in 2016 in a miniseries with Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Laurie and Olivia Colman

The Little Drummer Girl is a clbadic Square of a person everyday being sucked in the dark world of espionage , while an actress (Pugh) discovers her roma The holiday camp (Skarsgård) is in fact an Israeli intelligence officer and his "intentions are far from being romantic".

e 21st century for its TV adaptation, the team behind The Little Drummer Girl chose to keep this story in its original period: the late 70s.

Nonetheless described by the BBC as "highly contemporary", the six- The series of pieces "will weave a dynamic and exciting story of espionage and international intrigue"

The Square itself will serve as executive producer [19659016IsitasuiteofNightManager?

  Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Debicki in The Night Manager (BBC, AMC, HF)

No, although it comes from the same production company. A second series of The Night Manager is currently under development as a separate project.

This is not the first time The Little Drummer Girl is on the screen, of course. A beloved film version was released in 1984 – the year after the publication of the novel – with Diane Keaton in the role of Charlie.

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