Which revolution best represents the Egyptian national holiday?


What is the revolution that best represents the Egyptian national holiday?

A national holiday should mark an event that is a source of pride for the entire society of a country, not a factor of political division. In recent decades, Egyptians have gone through a number of revolutions aimed at improving their lives, but the minimal benefits of these revolutions are outweighed by their undesirable economic and political impacts. Our revolutions can easily be described as occasions when a segment of society revolts against the regime in place, leaving the country torn in two. [23] July 23 was designated as Egyptian National Day after a group of Egyptian officers revolted against the monarchy. Egypt in the Republic, in 1952. A few years later, acquiescing at the request of the revolution, the British ended their occupation of Egypt. Our most famous revolution, which resulted in the ouster of former President Hosni Mubarak, took place on January 25, 2011, followed by another revolution, in which the Egyptians overthrew the 39; former president Mohamed Morsi on June 30, 2013.

Of all the Egyptian revolutions have polarized our society, the war of October 6 united all Egyptians in the service of a specific, successful mission that has been strengthened by the signing of a peace agreement with our former enemy, Israel. It marks our successful management of a well-planned event that has enhanced our dignity and self-esteem, placing the October 6th war as the greatest achievement in our history, a historic turning point that can be designated as the National Day. Egyptian.

The July 23 event is a historic event that will always be a source of pleasure for a segment of Egyptian society, and its effectiveness will continue to be the subject of constant debate.

Mohammed Nosseir

At that time, the entire Egyptian population was more than happy to sacrifice their lives for the sole purpose of liberating our national territory. All Arab and Islamic nations have steadfastly supported Egypt, sending troops to the battlefield, offering substantial financial funds and with an oil embargo to put pressure on Western nations straining toward Israel. It was a truly triumphant event for the Egyptians and for all of the Arab and Islamic worlds.

Most prominent political scientists have never unanimously recognized any of our revolutions as such; they call them "mbad uprising" or "military coup". However, because revolutionary claims give Egyptians a sense of accomplishment, our state officially recognizes these revolutions, but leaves Egyptian society experiencing intense political conflicts in the midst of an obvious deterioration of political spheres. and the resulting economic benefits. Moreover, Egypt is no longer governed by the 1952 constitution: completely new constitutions were adopted as a result of subsequent revolutions.

Today, Egypt is worth less politically and economically than before July 23, 1952. Many politicians claim that our commitment to a number of regional wars and the substantial increase of our population are the main causes of this decline. However, our engagement in the war was a purely political stance stemming from our regional ambitions, and the inability to cope with the growth of our population is a consequence of the flawed policies of our governments.

The July 23 event is a historic event a source of pleasure for a segment of Egyptian society, and its effectiveness will continue to be the subject of constant debate. On the other hand, the war of October 6 is an indisputable event that brought happiness, dignity and unity to the entire Egyptian population and to the Arab and Islamic worlds. Let history settle all the debates on our revolutions; October 6th clearly deserves to be recognized as our national holiday.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by the authors in this section are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the point of view of Arab news

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