Who is America? Review of the controversy on Sacha Baron Cohen's new comedy series


Critics cast their verdict on Sacha Baron Cohen's controversial new comic series.

Having been announced less than a week ago, Who Is America? was unveiled by the comedian – a surprise A television show in which he silenced the eyes of some of the most notorious politicians in the country, many of whom have since fired criticism in his own way.

According to the synopsis, the show "will explore the different individuals, from these figures include Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney and Joe Walsh who led a social media campaign to boycott the American network Showtime for airing the series. [19659004] Sacha Baron Cohen responds with hilarity to outraged Sarah Palin

Critics have now seen the first episode of the series of actor Ali G and Borat, and you can read their verdicts below.


What a pleasant surprise, then, that "Who is America?" feels as richly comic as anything Baron Cohen has done in the past decade – more since "Borat" and which sounds urgently with our own time. The format of the show – using four new characters from Baron Cohen to expose the nature of contemporary American culture – is particularly effective, moving beyond the bolded names that have proven to say that They were taken by the cartoon. 19659008] The Hollywood Reporter

Shame was the secret ingredient of the Da Ali G Show, the hurdle that had to be bypbaded to make us believe that the & G G Reporter [l9quequequequequequeeffortthatCohenhadtargetedandinsinuatinghimselfintotheirlifeatthecamerawasworthitShameisthemissingingredientinWhoisCohenAmerica?andunfortunatelyitisnotaningredientthatturnsouttobemerelyincidentalIt'sthedifferencebetweenshockingandnon-shockinghilariousandsimplyfleetingfunny

The AV Club

If only it was funnier. There is a lot of laughter in the episode, but Baron Cohen has a habit of tracking down very particular rabbit holes for far too long … However, Baron Cohen, the performer, does not Is not weak, he clearly put time in these characters. His various accents, American and others, are scandalously confident …

The Washington Post

The joke has not changed, but in the years since Cohen has played for the last time this kind of game, the American political climate has become more mean and more partisan … What role could a Cohen character expect to play when White House spokespeople and cabinet secretaries are being chased out of restaurants? Our world has become as absurd as anything that Cohen could conceive … [He] is still an undisputed genius to punish a variety of targets, from the ultra-gullible to seemingly scholarly. Who Is America? will be broadcast tonight in the United States with his British premier who will arrive tomorrow (July 16) on Channel 4

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