By Rabbi Marc Angel
W Why were our temples of ancient Jerusalem destroyed? Jewish tradition offers answers. The first Temple was destroyed in 586 BC by the Babylonians because of the sins of the people of Israel. The second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE, and the Talmud suggests that it was a punishment for Jews who hate themselves without justification
. be punished "because of our sins." Sneaks through the religious tradition. We sing these words in Mussaf on our festive days. We hear these words from various rabbis and teachers who try to explain each of our tragic times as the result of our sins.
Yes, certainly, we have made sins. Yes, certainly, we should remember our sins, introspect and repent.
But is it really fair to blame us for all the suffering we have suffered? What about the wicked nations who tortured, murdered, exiled and humiliated us? Should not we be aiming for some of our anger and frustration against them? Whatever were the sins committed by the Jews in the time of the Temple, were not the sins of the Babylonians and Romans much worse? Instead of blaming ourselves, should not we blame the vicious enemies who perpetrated such an evil against us?
Should the victims of evil focus on their own weaknesses and ignore the faults of their enemies? Is not it an additional injury and an insult to the victims?
M Aymonides, in his Letter on Astrology, notes that our ancestors suffered for their sins. But the sins were that they did not act practically in their self-defense! They looked at astrologers and magic to find supernatural ways of their problems. Their sin was not of a ritual nature; it was of a practical, organizational and military nature. If they had been more lucid, they could have found ways to better defend themselves; they could have developed better foreign policies.
As we prepare to observe Ticha Be Av, we should definitely have thoughts of repentance in mind. We should reflect on our religious shortcomings. But we should also keep Maimonides' mind in mind. It is not fruitful to blame ourselves and our sins for all the problems we face. Many of these problems are not caused by our ritual sins, but by the cruelty and hatred of our enemies. Our task must include practical strategies to strengthen ourselves against those who hurt us. We do not solve our problems by wishful thinking and we pursue the words of amazed workers
Teshuva involves repentance and improves our religious lives.
Teshuvah involves clairvoyant and practical work to help our people stand up and
As we fast and mourn the destruction of our ancient temples in Jerusalem, let us also give thanks to the Almighty that we are living at one time where Jerusalem is a prosperous and beautiful city under Jewish sovereignty. And thank all those heroes of the Jewish people who have worked and continue to work for the strengthening of Jerusalem and the entire state of Israel
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