William the Witness: Why the Prince's visit to Israel was so profound for the education of the Holocaust | Karen Pollock | Blogs


"I am well aware that the responsibility now lies with my generation, to keep alive the memory of this great crime, as the generation of the Holocaust goes on, and I pledge to do so." These powerful words came from the future King of England, His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, during his historic tour of the Middle East last week.

These words send a strong and powerful statement of our future king. They fill me with hope, that the future of Holocaust education and memory will occupy a prominent place in our national agenda for years to come.

His words echo the Holocaust Educational Trust's mission – we firmly believe that the next generation must take over the education and remembrance of the Holocaust and that our dedication to our cause is palpable in our community of young ambbadadors.

3009 people gathered in London for our ambbadadors conference to learn about the Holocaust, hear survivor testimonies and use their voices to tell the truth of the Holocaust. They learned the complex history of the past, they examined the challenges we face today as we talk about the Holocaust and the dark reality of the Holocaust denial. and anti-Semitism – and what it means to them as pbadionate advocates of our cause. Ambbadadors are traveling with us. They have all heard of Holocaust survivors, they visited Auschwitz-Birkenau and saw for themselves the site where 1.1 million men, women and children were murdered simply because they were Jewish. They shared what they learned with their friends and family. And they became champions, dedicated to sharing the memory of the past.

And in this mission, they are at the side of royalty. We are proud to also call Prince William a true champion of our cause. Only last year, we were delighted to take the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on a visit to Stutthof where they also saw themselves as a place of horror during the Holocaust. They met the survivors of the camp – Zigi Shipper BEM and Manfred Goldberg. At that time, Their Royal Highnesses said that the "shattering visit" reminded them of the "horrific murder of six million Jews". It was a deeply moving experience for all of us who were there, and an experience on which the Prince himself reflected after his visit to Yad Vashem. It was a powerful day, I am sure that none of us will ever forget.

Seeing the Duke of Cambridge pay homage to the 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust in Yad Vashem and visiting the grave of his great grandmother, Princess Alice of Battenburg – was unforgettable. Against all odds, Alice risked her life to save the Jews in Greece. She was honored with the title "Righteous Among the Nations", a title that carries so many connotations, and that can not be underestimated. Princess Alice was a heroine, who hosted Rachel Cohen and her five children. She got up when all those around her stood near him; refusing to lose his principles; do the right thing regardless of the risk. Even when the Gestapo became suspicious and interviewed her, her courage was unwavering. Seeing Her Royal Highness, the great-grandson of this lifeguard, meeting the great-grandchildren of those she saved was incredible.

I watched with pride and admiration Prince William make the first official visit of a member of the British Royal Family. Israel. The visit was not only unprecedented, but it walked on a difficult diplomatic tightrope, delicately and masterfully. He showed charm, warmth and sincerity at every step. Whether it was seeing his Royal Highness down Rothschild Boulevard, meeting the new Israeli icon Netta, playing footvolley in the sweltering heat on the beach or solemnly holding hands on the Wailing Wall, these were unforgettable moments.

Prince William champion for all of us – for Holocaust survivors, for young people who are committed to remembering the past, for those of us who have the responsibility to educate the next generation and the Jewish community here and around the world. He is a champion of kindness and humanity. We owe him a debt of gratitude.

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