Wizards deleted John Wall's USA team photo but could not prevent it from being roasted


I hope that John Wall has presented to the minicamp Team USA ready to play because it does not seem like he was ready to get his picture taken. A shot of Wall seeming to come out of bed hit the internet on Thursday, and it goes without saying that he was tormented without mercy.

The Wizards posted the photo with, in theory, a legitimate pride, given that Wall was among select a group of invited players in Las Vegas for the three-day minicamp of the national basketball team. However, the Wizards quickly deleted the post from Twitter once it became clear that the photo was arousing much more fun than admiration.

Yaron Weitzman of Bleacher Report, covering the minicamp, asked Wall that his photo exploded on the Internet. The five-star All-Starly replied that although he has not yet verified Twitter, he sent the photo to his mother and told him: "It looks like I just have to go to jail. "

may want to delay on checking his Twitter endorsements for a while, because he was the target of a series of jokes on Thursday. Here is just a sample:

At least Wall was in good company, not only on the ground in Las Vegas, but in the court of public opinion. The photos of DeMar DeRozan, Blake Griffin and others from Team USA are not very good either.

Yep, not the most flattering badortment of portraits. Of course, this makes everything all the more impressive – or something – that Wall's photo has come easily for the most derisory.

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