Women tourists excluded from the Israeli cable car after Haredis refuse to share the ride – the front


  The Manara Cliff Cable Car

Aaaa Aaaa / YouTube

The Manara Cliff Cable Car

JERUSALEM (JTA) – Three women were prevented from descending a cable car on the Manara Cliff in the North of # Israel because a group of orthodox orthodox men would not ride with them.

The three women and their male tour guide waited a short time before the next car, reported the Israeli Channel 10.

"A specific group asked us about it, at a time when we were not there. We did not have big crowds, only when they went down to the gondola for not having men and women together, we agreed as a gesture of goodwill, they only waited a few minutes for the next car. We have explained very well to their guide Doron Medina, director of the site in Upper Galilee, told Channel 10.

Channel 10 reported that the site routinely accesses such requests, including groups that

The site stated in a statement to Channel 10 that management would conduct an investigation on the basis of the issues raised in the report.

Report arrives less than a month after a robbery El Al from N New York to Israel was delayed more than an hour after four orthodox Haredi men refused to take their badigned seats next to the women. Two women finally agreed to change places to allow the takeoff to take off.

A few days later, the company's CEO announced that the airline would "immediately remove" any pbadenger who would refuse to sit next to another pbadenger. a few hours after a major Israeli tech company announced that it would no longer rob its employees on the airline because of gender discrimination.

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