Work must solve the problem of anti-Semitism, according to Eddie Izzard | New


Eddie Izzard urged Jeremy Corbyn to put to bed the issue of anti-Semitism, warning that Labor loses the perception argument.

The comedian, who recently won a seat on the party's national executive committee, said the Labor may not be ready to attack the government and its Brexit plans because of the fight against an international definition of the government. ; Semitism. "We should not be caught in this row of antisemitic definition," Izzard told The Guardian. "There is still time to adopt the full definition of the IHRA and to be in tune with the Jewish community, rabbis are going along with the mainstream, rather than saying that we want to adjust ourselves, that the meeting was the moment, and we did not do it. "

Izzard said that Corbyn should take the case in hand. "I'd like him to be strong by putting that in bed, because his heart is in the right place, he's a decent guy and it's swirling and swirling," he said. "The comedian won his seat at the NEC following the resignation of Christine Shawcroft because of emails she sent to defend an adviser who had published Holocaust denial material.

Izzard says that He was saddened that the party was "pounding one over the other … we should say," Hey, look there, there is the enemy, the extreme right, this hard and mean Brexit. "

He said that Labor had agreed to reopen talks with Jewish groups, but that he regretted that a new code of conduct had been approved despite the warnings of Jewish groups about the omission of some examples of work from the definition of anti-Semitism of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

. to be more faithful to Israel as their own nations and to claim that the existence of the state of Israel is a racist enterprise. [19659002] Labor argued that the examples removed were already covered by the new code of conduct and denied that the party had rewritten the definition. He added that the code had been strengthened to be practical for a political party.

stated that the changes had sent the wrong message. "The message that I think I had to be sent was that we are with the mainstream, all the rest can be done from here, it was time to do it. argument of perception, "he said. "It's a clbadic thing in the Labor Party … and it's going to be very hard now."

Izzard, who is scheduled to re-run for the NEC this summer, although he claimed his place only after the departure of Shawcroft Mars, said he wanted to pbad his time to advocate for a second referendum on Brexit.

"The vast majority of our party wants Jeremy to take a stronger line, I push for it," he said. "The holiday campaign – the Farages, the Johnsons – never had a plan, they had to compose this plan, we know it now.This was done on a lie, a lie."
[19659002] He said that there was "a huge number" of party members saying that they wanted to have the chance to stop Brexit or resume the vote. Overnight, Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry ruled out a second referendum, saying that Corbyn "would do what he was asked to do" by the EU vote in 2016.

Izzard said that he could not predict whether a second vote would end up being the job's position. "I want it," he said. "My intuition is that a referendum is inevitable, and that we must let people decide."

"Jeremy knows what he believes in, he's kept his position pretty standard, we're going into multi-way arguments in the left, we're a big church, and he tends not to want to impose, he lets to do, and unfortunately that means the message becomes muddy but it's up to him to take the line that he wants to take. "

Izzard stated that he was running for the NEC without the support of any Labor faction, although it has already been endorsed by party centrists, as the pressure of the Labor First group. The NEC meetings were "a bit like a big Christmas family reunion with dentistry," he says.

"I always say, the price, it is the election, it is the government, the control. We can only obtain power by being a great church. "

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