Work withdraws from the international socialist organization


The Israeli Labor Party announced the suspension and termination of its membership in the organization of the Socialist International on Tuesday in response to the organization's decision to support the boycott of the government. State of Israel.

International Labor Party Secretary Knesset Speaker MK Halik Bar, in coordination with party chairman Avi Gabbay, sent a particularly harsh letter to the President and Secretary General of the Socialist International, announcing suspension before the final cancellation of membership.

The Socialist International is the oldest umbrella organization in the world of social democratic parties, and the Labor Party has been a member for many years.

The organization pbaded a resolution calling on "all governments and civil society organizations to activate the boycott". , divestment and sanctions (BDS) against the Israeli occupation, all occupying institutions and the Israeli settlements, including the total embargo on all forms of military trade and cooperation with Israel as long as He continues his policy of occupation and apartheid against the Palestinian people. "

MK Bar wrote:" After many years of friendship and On behalf of the Israeli Labor Party, I inform you that, until it is officially canceled, we ask you not to mention the Israeli Labor Party or one of our members. "We also inform you that we are suspending our membership in the organization as a preliminary step to permanently cancel our membership in the organization, a step that will take place if this miserable, hypocritical and devilish decision on the Palestinian issue

"In the statement, you will reiterate your" if solidarity with the progressive forces in Israel, "added Bar." As International Secretary of the Israeli Labor Party, as leader of the party, and on behalf of the leadership of the Labor Party, the largest progressive party in the Israeli parliament, let me badure you that up to the full and formal unilateral and miserable declaration, your "solidarity" does not Is not desirable by us. "

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