Xiaomi plans to enter the US market next year, says the links will help avoid trade tensions


Xiaomi aims to enter the United States long after winning success in India and China. The company has also recently entered Europe and the United Kingdom. The Beijing-based smartphone maker, which sells its Mi and Redmi handsets, is reportedly developing to enter the US market next year. The latest development is emerging amidst the hurdles faced by Chinese companies, including Huawei and ZTE, seeking their market expansion across the US market. Xiaomi notably launched its online store in the United States to sell its accessories in 2015. However, none of its smartphone models has been officially available in the country.

Vice President Wang Xiang confirmed Xiaomi's plan to Reuters. Xiang said the US market was "very attractive" and that the company was adding engineering resources to make its handsets compatible with US carriers. "Next year we hope to be able to do something," said the executive at the news agency

. In December, Huawei announced its intention to expand its presence in the United States and to make the Mate 10 the first model of AT & T. But the agreement between the Chinese company and AT & T it was suddenly collapsed in January and March, Best Buy even stopped selling Huawei devices through its retail stores in the country

. components to ZTE for as much as seven years. The ban was imposed on the Chinese telecom equipment maker for allegedly violating the terms of the sanctions violation case. Recently, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has also prevented China Mobile from offering its services to the US telecommunications market.

Wang Xiaomi estimated that trade tensions between the United States and China introduced "uncertainty" but minimized their impact on the plans. American market. Xiaomi already has relationships in the US market, such as Qualcomm and Alphabet, and these should help the company deal with consumers to avoid the political resistance faced by Huawei and ZTE. He also pointed out that the company already has a large number of US engineers and investors.

Although the arrival of Xiaomi in the United States has not yet occurred, the company has already expanded its presence in the main European markets. He started his operations in Spain at the end of last year and was linked with CK Hutchison last March to penetrate other European markets and the United Kingdom. Xiaomi chairman, Lei Jun, has also recently shown interest in entering the US market after the initial success in the Western world through the debut in Europe and the United Kingdom. "We have always considered entering the US market," Jun said in a Wall Street Journal article in March. "We plan to start entering the market late 2018, or early 2019." According to a recent report by badyst firm Strategy Analytics, Xiaomi was the world's fourth largest smartphone vendor with 125% annual growth in the first quarter of 2018. The company is also the most dominant provider in India, leading market with a market share of 30.3%, as recently reported IDC.

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