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Do you agree? Xiaomi Vice President Wang Xiang told Reuters on Tuesday that the US market is "very attractive" and that the company is devoting its technical resources to developing versions of its phones compatible with US cellular networks. [19659005"L'annéeprochainenousespéronspouvoirfairequelquechoselàthere"adéclaréMWangtoutenadmettantquelespourparlersaveclestransporteursaméricainsn'ontpasencoreaboutiàdesaccordsconcrets[19659004]. . "Do not worry," they say with a wink "I have relationships". Well, from appearances, Xiaomi thinks that it is the cool kid in the world of Chinese OEMs.
This is a difficult time for a Chinese company looking to enter the US market. The intensification of trade tensions between China and the United States while President Donald Trump defends tariffs on Chinese imports does not help, but the main concern is the potential of high-tech devices to spy on citizens
<img alt = "] A red scare? Chinese technology companies often have close ties to the government / © AndroidPIT
National security concerns over relations between Chinese technology companies and the Communist Party led to the blacklisting of Huawei handsets such as the Mate 10 Pro by US carriers, and even the network hardware of the US Company was placed under surveillance. The company nearly shut down after being barred from buying American components earlier this year as a punishment for violating trade sanctions. On Monday, China Mobile Ltd, supported by the state, became the last Chinese telecommunications company refused by the bouncers for security reasons.
Commercial War? Xiaomi has friends in the right places
Who are these friends? Well, Wang cited Xiaomi's relationships with vendors like the US chip maker Qualcomm and Alphabet Inc., which manufactures the Android operating system via Google.
"We see no reason for us to get into this political problem"
According to Wang, the tense political environment has introduced "uncertainty" but that Xiaomi remains fearless and will continue with plans for expansion in the United States. "We see no reason for us to get into this political problem," said Wang, who led Qualcomm's China operations before joining Xiaomi in 2015.
<img alt = "The Mi Mix 2S has a beautiful design without bezel without notch / © AndroidPIT
Wang pointed out that Xiaomi was strictly focused on the consumer market and that many of its engineers and investors were American.
Xiaomi's devices could shake up a stagnant US market
Xiaomi is known for its cheap and high-performance smartphones, and if they could close the deals with the operators, the introduction of impressive devices like the Mi Mix 2S or the Mi 8 could really shake the market and force the dominant players Apple and Samsung to react to the cheaper competition.
Take a look at Xiaomi's latest flagship, the Mi 8, in our unpacking video:
That's not all. The Chinese firm also offers online services and a range of consumer electronics products such as cleaning robots and cheap portable devices such as the popular Mi Band 3.
View Nicholas Montegriffo
Xiaomi deserves to compete in the United States [19659003] What do you think?
Xiaomi lost ground against his rivals in his home country of China, but largely offset that with international success. Today, the brand is the largest smartphone supplier in India and has a strong presence in European markets, particularly in Spain and Russia. You know what they say, a prophet is often underrated in their own country.
Here at AndroidPIT we were generally impressed by the quality and design of the Xiaomi devices, which certainly deserve to be appreciated by a wider market. Only time will tell if Xiaomi's relationship will be enough to let them pbad the door and ensure their success in the United States, or if increased political tension will leave them on the edge, but one thing is certain: not afraid.
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What do you think about Xiaomi devices sold in the United States? Is there any that you would like to get your hands on?