Yad Vashem condemns the Polish-Israeli joint statement on Poland's role in the Holocaust


Holocaust memorial museum Yad Vashem lambasted the "highly problematic wording" of a joint statement issued by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Polish counterpart on Thursday morning, which aimed to patch up a craze policy
which divided the countries after the promulgation of Poland, before the cancellation,
a controversial law on the Holocaust
"The (Israeli-Polish) statement contains highly problematic formulations that contradict existing and accepted historical knowledge in this area," Yad Vashem's statement said.

"The wording of the joint statement effectively supports a story that research has long refuted, namely that the Polish government in exile and its underground weapons have worked tirelessly in occupied Poland and elsewhere to thwart the extermination Polish Jewish community, "he said in response to the part of the joint statement that said:

  PM Netanyahu (Photo: AP, Mark Israel Sellem)

PM Netanyahu (Photo: AP, Mark Israel Sellem)

"The Polish government in exile during the war tried to stop this Nazi activity by trying to sensitize the Western allies to the systematic murder of Polish Jews."

"As such, they created a" mechanism of systematic help and support for the Jewish people "and even took vigorous action against the Poles who betrayed the Jews, although the joint declaration recognizes that there have been cases in which the Poles have committed cruelties against the Jews, he also says that "many Poles" risked their lives to save the Jews.

"The existing documentation and decades of historical research give a totally different picture: the Polish exile government, based in London, as well as the Delegatura (the representative body of this government in occupied Poland) have made" Do not act decisively on behalf of the Jewish citizens of Poland at any time during the war, "Yad Vashem said in an effort to dismantle the joint statement.

In addition, the museum highlights the crimes committed by Polish resistance movements against their Jewish fellow citizens.

"Much of the Polish resistance in its various movements not only failed to help the Jews, but it also actively participated in their persecution."

In a joint statement, Netanyahu and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said: "We are honored to remember the heroic acts of many Poles, especially the Righteous among the Nations, who risked their lives to save the Jewish people." 1965-19002]

  Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki (Photo: Reuters)

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki (Photo: Reuters)

In the preceding paragraph, the statement reads: "We recognize and condemn every single case of cruelty to Jews perpetrated by the Poles during the Second World War."

Netanyahu also read the statement
shortly after the controversial clauses were removed from Polish law.

The team in charge of establishing contact with the Polish government to resolve the diplomatic crisis that followed the signing of the law by Poland tried to defend the joint declaration, insisting that the Chief Historian Yad Vashem had approved the text.

"Yad Vashem's chief historian, Professor Dina Porat, has accompanied the process since its inception, and the historical statements that appear in the statement have been endorsed by it," the counter-statement said.

. and Morawiecki for the joint declaration aimed at ensuring free Holocaust research in Poland.

"The joint statement that was signed by the Polish government includes an explicit reference to maintaining the ability to conduct research freely, and not the law can or will prevent this in the future," said representative of Netanyahu.

Bayit Yehudi leader, Naftali Bennett, also joined the criticism against the joint statement.

  Naftali Bennett with PM Netanyahu (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

Naftali Bennett with Prime Minister Netanyahu (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

"Israel's joint statement with the Polish government is a shame Bennett wrote on Twitter:

"As Minister of Education, who is responsible for transmitting the Holocaust inheritance, I reject it completely.It lacks factual and historical validity and will not be taught in the educational system, "he promised.

"I demand that the Prime Minister cancel the statement or bring it to the government for approval."

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