Yemeni rebel leader praises Iran and Hezbollah


The rebel leader of Yemen on Friday hailed the Iranian Shiite power and its ally Hezbollah, highlighting the leader of the Lebanese group Hbadan Nasrallah for his "solidarity".

But Abdulmalik al-Huthi, whose fighters are fighting against the Saudi government backed by Saudi Arabia, has again denied the charges of receiving smuggled weapons from Iran.

In a speech broadcast on Al Masirah TV rebels Huthi praised "the glory and dignity of Iran" and thanked Nasrallah for "solidarity with the people of Yemen of his position of magnitude ".

While Iran acknowledges its support for the Houthi cause, it denies having armed the rebels.

Saudi Arabia also accused Hezbollah of sending its fighters to Yemen. The party denied the accusations.

"The United States, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates know that it is completely wrong to talk about rockets entering Yemen from Iran via the port of Hodeida", said Huthi via a video link from an unknown location.  Zaatari

The Yemeni government, supported by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and their regional allies, is fighting the Houthis for control of the impoverished country.

The conflict is now centered on the city of Hodeida, home to the country's most valuable port and controlled by the Huthis.

The United Nations, which recognizes the government of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, calls for a truce between rival parties to avoid further civilian suffering in a country on the brink of famine.

Huthi, who does not appear in public, said that he had agreed to grant the UN "logistical and technical support role" to Hodeida, accusing the coalition led by Saudi Arabia to reject the offer.

A spokesperson for the coalition did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The UN has not publicly commented on its talks with both sides in Yemen.

Nearly 10,000 people have been killed in Yemen since Saudi Arabia and its allies intervened in the country's civil war in 2015, including 2,200 children.

EXCLUSIVE: UN envoy says Yemen worsens but children remain optimistic

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