Yotam Ovadia is resting as hundreds of farewell to the death of the victim of terrorism


Hundreds of family members and friends attended the funeral Friday afternoon of Yotam Ovadia, 31, who was stabbed to death
Thursday night by a Palestinian terrorist in the colony of Adam.

"Our hearts break at the sound of your little son who calls" daddy, daddy. "We want to apologize if we did it (wrong by you-ed.) We all wanted good for Thank you for what you were for your beloved children and for your beloved wife, Tal, "said Ovadia's father-in-law, Yehuda Adari, at the funeral that began at 1pm.

The funeral of Yotam Ovadia (צילום: אלכס גמבורג, ענבר טויזר)

   (Photo: Amit Shabi)

(Photo: Amit Shabi)

Ovadia was killed by 17 years old Mohammad Tareq Yousef of
Kobar was stabbed to death on Thursday night as he was going to his parents' home to pick up items he had bought for a romantic dinner that he had prepared to surprise his wife.
(Photo: Reuters)

Shortly before 9pm on Thursday, Yousef infiltrated Adam across the fence of the colony's playground and stabbed a 58-year-old man who was left in a moderate state and a 41-year-old man who was left in a state of light.

He also stabbed Ovadia several times, who succumbed to his injuries during the night while he was being treated at the Hadbadah Medical Center, on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem

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<img src =" https://images1.ynet.co.il/PicServer5/2018/07/27/8683851/8683850098185640360no.jpg "border =" 0 "width =" 640 " hm = "0" title = "(Photo: Amit Shabi)" alt = "(Photo: Reuters)

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"We will pray for the comfort of heaven to help him through this difficult time … We will keep you in our hearts for all eternity," he said. Family members recite the traditional solemn prayer of mourning, Kaddish at Givat Shaul Cemetery in Jerusalem in the presence of religious dignitaries and politicians, including Tourism Minister Yariv Levin and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat.


(Photo: Amit Shabi)

Ovadia's uncle also praises his nephew, who is survived by his wife and two sons – Harel, two and ten months old, and Itay, seven months old.

"I will not forget every Shabbos with you, with your timid look with a smile that you have looked to the side.Why have you been taken from us?", He asked. "You were murdered by a low life, you were a source of pride for your parents, an exemplary family man, modest and kind.Many were captivated by your charm.You have always been able to smile and be happy. what you were for us, we love you and miss you. "

  Yotam and Tal Ovadia with their two children

Yotam and Tal Ovadia with their two children

Minister Levin spoke at the funeral , telling the listeners that the tragedy "We stand before you, Yotam, in pain and suffering and a whole nation is mourning with us. Yotam, a family man, a husband and a devoted father, "said Levin." Your life was taken away yesterday for a reason: because you are Jewish.

   (Photo: Amit Shabi)

(Photo: Amit Shabi)

"It was said that you were preparing for your wife, Tal, a meal for Tu B & # 39; Av. This beautiful act attests to your character and your love prevailing at home, "continued Levin in his eulogy


"I do not have words in my mouth to console in the light of the loss but our enemies should know: our mind will not be broken."

 Mayor Nir Barkat attends the funeral (Photo: Amit Shabi)

Mayor Nir Barkat attends the funeral (Photo: Amit Shabi)

Earlier, the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also expressed his condolences to the Ovadia family.

"On behalf of the people of Israel, I would like to send my condolences to the family of Yotam Ovadia, whom his memory is blessed, who was murdered in a terrorist attack last night in the community of Israel. Adam, "writes Netanyahu. on Facebook.

"Yotam has left behind his wife, Tal, and his two children, Harel and Itay, all of whom are praying for the health of the others who were wounded in the attack, May the memory of May Yotam be blessed and rooted in our hearts forever. "

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