Zarif: Iran – Russia cooperation package, a big plan


Speaking to Euronews' Global Conversation, Iran's Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran's foreign minister spoke about Iran-Russia cooperation package and said: "Iran-Russia cooperation package includes a lot of activities- Russian investments in Iran energy sector, Russian participation in Iran infrastructural activities, Iranian – Russian engagement in oil and trade. This is a big package of cooperation that we plan to work with in Russia, but I do not think that it would be a matter of selling / giving oil to Russia to receive goods and commodities in return. It is a much bigger package that includes a lot of other variables, not only possibilities for energy cooperation between Iran and Russia, but also possibilities for Iran to receive cash. "

On whether the European Union had the will to follow its instinct and continued with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or it would be blindly following the United States, he stated: Now we are working with the Europeans. Work is underway as we speak so that we test the possibility. We have given Europe some time, have seen a political commitment on the part of Europe, and have seen some technical measures on the ground: however, these are not enough. There are two very specific timeframes. One is the timeframe of the first batch of the US sanctions that will be in place in August and the other timeframe is the second batch of the US sanctions, which will be in place in November. "

Over the Types of Guarantees Iran," he explained: "Under the pressure imposed by the United States the US, under the psychological atmosphere that the US has tried to create, some European companies seem to have already started to withdraw. And they have to be confronted by the Europeans if they are interested indeed in preserving the deal. If that is the belief and appreciation of our partners in Europe, then they are ready to invest for it. Iran should not be the only side investor in this deal. We are looking at the ways in which we are doing business in the private sector. "

Explaining the ways of the European Union can be resolved in this way, he clarified:" In fact, If they believe they can continue to live along with a global system, a new global system, in which one country makes the final decision and everybody else will have to follow group of individuals who are making decisions on their own personal interests, and then expect everybody else to follow. Now, following the meeting held between President Trump and President Putin in particular, there appear to be some concerns in the US that President Trump is not necessarily pursuing American national interests. Even if he were perusing American national interests, are people of Europe prepared to accept US national interest dominating the decision-making process in the global economy? Are they prepared to accept this? Are they ready to stand against this? This is a question European companies and European governments need to ask themselves. And then there are various possibilities for cooperation. Europe is not the only one to have American shareholders. There are many European companies having no contact with the US, nor do they have any dealings with it. "

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