Zeev Jabotinsky's Zionist Inheritance – Israel National News


Yaakov Hagoel

Yaakov Hagoel is Vice President of the World Zionist Organization

Over the last century, Zionism has created visionaries who have successfully conveyed the message of a return to the Jewish homeland.

Theodor Herzl, father of modern Zionism and founder of the World Zionist Organization, which I am proud to be badociated with today, was one of the countless people who worked without release to unite the Jewish people in order to establish the Jewish state.

Sometimes it seemed that every decision made by the official Zionist movement was accepted by all who believed in Zionism. However, there was a leader of the Zionist movement who took a stand for what he believed, even when he was unpopular. He stood up for his beliefs and was not carried away in what was "fashionable" at the time. With dignity and respect, he was able to criticize the wavering direction of those days while warning them of the consequences of abandoning parts of the Land of Israel. He was a vigorous and enthusiastic young man who admired Theodor Herzl and decided to follow in his footsteps by dedicating his life to the rebirth of the Jewish state. This young man was Ze Jabotinsky

Jabotinsky strove to perpetuate the inheritance of Herzl and was honored to have met as a delegate to the Zionist Congress of 1903. While that was It was the first time that Jabotinsky was a delegate, but unfortunately it was Herzl's last. The congress, as he died unexpected the following year.

"Herzl made a huge impression on me," wrote Jabotinsky, "This is not an exaggeration … I really felt myself standing in front of a chosen person, a prophet … and to this day it seems to me that his voice still resonates in my ears when he swore before all of us – "If I forget the Jerusalem O." I believed his oath, everyone believed. .. "

Like Herzl, Jabotinsky suffered from public mockery at the time but was justified later. The Zionist leadership has described it as extremist. But today, 78 years after his death, his ideas and teachings appear in textbooks, in literature, in plays and in general political discourse.

Today, 121 years since the first Zionist Congress in Basel and 70 years since the independence of Israel. We look with pride at the amazing achievements of our country. Many of these achievements were made by people who were inspired in some way by Jabotinsky. At the head of the Betar Youth Movement, the Union of Zionist Revisionists and co-founder of the Jewish Legion, Jabotinsky has influenced many leaders over the years.

Many of the ideas he talked about in the 1920s and 1930s have now come of age, as the concept of individual and national pride, evident in his sentence, "every individual is a king". The revival of the Hebrew language, social justice, democratic values ​​and self-esteem that Jabotinsky has brought is reflected today in our modern Israeli society.

In 1923, Jabotinsky's article on the Iron Wall was published. force and deterrence to realize the rights of Jews in their country. Those who seek to prevent the Jewish people from achieving sovereignty in their homeland, he writes, must understand that it is as futile as facing an iron wall.

When the incitement and denial of our right to exist are part of everyday life, it's amazing to read Jabotinsky's words and see how much they are still applicable today. hui. He was right in advocating a "no-compromise" policy regarding the Land of Israel, while maintaining democratic rights and freedom of worship for all religions.

Jabotinsky considered the education of young people as an important element of the success of the Jewish state. Through the Betar Youth Movement, still active today, it promotes fundamental skills, education and leadership training for the next generation.

During the 78th year of his death, Jabotinsky will continue to be an esteemed figure of the Israeli public. A new generation promotes aliyah, the Hebrew language, Jewish pride and high-tech innovations.

Since my childhood, I have participated in the official ceremony in memory of the writer, poet, soldier and ruler Ze Jabotinsky. I am amazed each year by the growing number of participants in its memorial service. Veterans who have served in Irgun with the younger generation who have never met but appreciate and cherish his legacy.

Ze Jabotinsky was and will continue to be one of the most important leaders of the Zionist world and his writings and philosophy will continue to inspire us for many years to come.

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