‘It won’t happen’: Jayapal rejects Manchin’s $ 1.5 billion price tag for Biden’s spending plan


Emboldening House moderates, Manchin (DW.Va.) last Wednesday expressed further reluctance over the $ 3.5 trillion price tag for the spending plan, which was agreed this summer by Democratic Senate leaders and the White House. POLITICO reported last Thursday that Manchin offered a deal to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in July that would limit the total cost of the legislation to $ 1.5 trillion.

When asked if progressives in the House could support Manchin’s $ 1.5 trillion proposal, Jayapal told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday: “That won’t happen.” The figure put forward by Manchin is “too small to integrate our priorities”, she added, predicting that the final cost of the spending plan would be “between 1.5 and 3.5” billion dollars.

But Jayapal offered few further details on the exact number that House progressives would ultimately accept and instead stressed that the debate over the spending plan has “never been about price.” This is what we want to deliver.

“We don’t think about the numbers,” she said. “And the president told us that too. He said, ‘Don’t start with the number. Start with what you are for. And that’s what he asked them. And then let’s get to the number from there. So that’s how we think about it. “

During a trip to Capitol Hill on Friday, Biden prepared House Progressives to agree to a dramatically reduced spending plan that could ultimately cost between $ 1.9 trillion and $ 2.3 trillion. “I wrote the damn bill. … Even a smaller bill can make historic investments – historic investments in child care, child care, clean energy. You do a lot of things, ”he told lawmakers, POLITICO reported.


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