1.7 doses a day «Help the consumers


In 2017, increase the doses of drugs consumed every day in Italy: last year, every 1,000 inhabitants was 1,708.2 (that is, taking into account consumption at the same time). Hospital and citizen, on average each subject, the children took about 1.7 drug dose a day). As a result, in 2016, there was an increase over 2016 of 4.3% for consumption and 1.2% for expenditures. According to the annual report on drug use, presented this morning by AIFA, 66.2% of these doses were paid for by the National Health Service (NHS) The remaining 33.8% are relative to the doses of drugs bought directly by the citizen (private purchase of clbad A, clbad C with prescription and self-medication).

The drugs for the cardiovascular system are confirmed the category most consumed by the Italians (while they fall in second position in terms of expenditure), followed by the drugs of the gastrointestinal tract and the metabolism, blood and hematopoietic drugs, drugs for the central nervous system and those of the respiratory system

I antineoplastic and immunomodulatory are ranked first among the therapeutic categories in a larger impact of public pharmaceutical expenditure . Compared to 2016, consumption (+ 6.7%) and expenditures (+ 12.9%) of antineoplastic and immunomodulatory drugs purchased by public health facilities increased.

In the general population, the prevalence of drug use averaged 66.1% (61.8% for men and 70.2% for women ), rising from about 50% in the population to 54 years, to more than 95% in the elderly population over the age of 74 (or almost every 74 years old taking at least one drug). Differences between the bades are evident in the age group between 15 and 64 years, in which women show an average prevalence of use greater than that of men with a difference in terms percentage points of 10%

In the pediatric population, there is a prevalence of drug use of 49.9% higher in men than in women (50 , 7% vs 48.9%), with a peak of first year of age: half of the children received at least one prescription during the year.

The use of antimicrobials is concentrated more during the first four years of life and after 75 years . There is evidence of a greater prevalence of women's use of antineoplastic and immunomodulatory drugs (35-74 years of age), central nervous system (35+) and musculoskeletal

] In 2017, total pharmaceutical spending, both public and private, amounted to 29.8 billion euros of which 75% was reimbursed by the NHS, and increased by 1.2% compared to the previous year. On average, for every Italian citizen, the expenditure on medicines amounted to about 492 euros.

Apulia is the most consumed region under the contractual badistance program followed by Umbria and Calabria. Gross per capita expenditure is higher in Campania, Apulia and Abruzzo. The Autonomous Province of Bolzano recorded a decrease in spending and per capita consumption. Northern regions have lower levels of conventional spending than the national average; The south and the islands have higher spending values.

News published on 12/07/2018 at 17.41

14/07/2018 – 13:50 – Editor: EL

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