2.8 million Italians are depressed, unemployed SOS – Medicine


There are more than 2.8 million (5.4% of the population over 15 years old) of Italians suffering from depression and the disease increases in the elderly. And even though Italy is the least depressed EU country (7.1 EU average), those over 65 reach a double value compared to the EU. Europe (11.6%). Depression affects women more (9.1% versus 4.8%) and those who do not work. Report depressive disorders and anxiety 10.8% of unemployed and 8.9% of inactive versus 3.5% of badets. According to the ISTAT

there is also an increase in the number of disabled students in Italian schools, especially those with mental health problems that reach 170,000. In the school year 2016-17, according to the institute, "students with disabilities represent about 3% of students at all levels and all schools and people with intellectual disabilities are 2 disabled students over 3 years old". [19659002] Data from school surveys of the Ministry of Education (MIUR), according to the Istat in the report "Mental Health in the different stages of life, years 2015-2017", show a slow but steady increase in the number of students with disabilities, all "internal Italian schools" and, in particular, "students with an intellectual disability, equal to 2 out of 3 disabled students, represent the most important part". During the 2016-2017 school year, out of 100 students supported, the Istat is highlighted, 8.8% have sensory disabilities, 11.6% have motor disabilities and 19.4% speech disorders. But the dominant part is precisely represented by intellectual disabilities: 23.9% have an overall developmental disorder of psychological development, 45.4% have an intellectual disability, 17.3% suffer from behavior disorders and attention , 16.5% of emotional affective disorders. It is also estimated that minors with mental disorders in the developmental age of residential garrisons are 11 minor residents per 100,000: therefore, according to Istat, 1,064 children and children with mental disorders hospitalized in institutions, mainly men. However, according to the statistical institute, "the supply of beds in accommodation facilities hosting mainly minors with mental disorders is characterized by significant territorial differences: the maximum rates are recorded in the Northeast regions, 25 beds per 100 thousand underage residents, are considerably reduced in the South, with a rate that does not exceed the threshold of 11 per 100 thousand. "

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