The Lakers did not waste time filling out their list after LeBron James announced that he would join them. Once the decision was made, they immediately withdrew and worked on adding veterans who could help them win now. Javale McGee is one of those veterans, according to Chris Haynes of ESPN.
McGee and the Lakers accepting a minimum agreement of one year, had to be a little surprising to some, but McGee is not the worst at James. He won two championships with the Warriors in a very simple role. He blocked the shots and he grabbed the alley. It was simple, it worked, and it made McGee very good.
Of course, it's as long as McGee stays in a limited role. If the Lakers try to play him some big minutes or make him a starter, then that could be a problem. McGee has proven to be best used in small doses.
As the Lakers fill their list, it will be interesting to see which players they have put around James. They have already reported Kentavious Caldwell-Pope and added Lance Stephenson, but Los Angeles can not just go out and sign players, hoping everything will be fine. They need pieces that fit together well. McGee can be a piece that works, but only if the rest of the team around him makes sense. Otherwise, he's just a very tall, athletic guy who dunks sometimes. The Lakers need a system that allows it to be more than that.
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