3 kilos in 4 days


The yoghurt flash diet can make you lose up to 3 pounds in 4 days. It is obvious that the absolute protagonist within 4 days is a yogurt naturally flanked by other foods and especially a lot of fruits. But let's see what the standard four-day diet menu provides.

First day: Breakfast with a low fat yogurt and a cup of tea. Snack: a fishing. Lunch: a vegetable dish, 300 grams of low-fat yogurt and a fruit salad. Snack: two slices of pineapple. Dinner: minestrone of vegetables and 300 grams of low fat yogurt. Second, third and fourth day: Breakfast with 300 grams of low-fat yogurt and a cup of green tea without sugar. Snack: two slices of pineapple. Lunch: a vegetable broth dish, 300 grams of low fat yogurt and a fruit salad. Snack: a kiwi. Dinner: Baked fish, a mixed salad, two slices of wholemeal bread and a citrus juice. Every day you have to drink a glbad of water with lemon juice and at least eight glbades of water a day before breakfast.

Sugary drinks and drinks are prohibited during the diet. As we always do in all diets published on our site, we recommend that you consult your family doctor or specialist. This diet is not suitable for people with diabetes, other diseases and pregnant women.

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